Are you considering homeschooling? Not sure if it’s for you? Check out these 101 reasons to consider homeschooling. These are real moms telling you WHY homeschooling rocks!
Homeschooling, you know I love it! You know my kids tend to love it and that my husband is now totally on board. BUT, is homeschooling really THAT great? The short answer? Yes! And to prove it, I polled moms from all over. These moms came from my Facebook group, Finding Joy in Your Homeschool Journey (Are you a member? If not you should be!), my local homeschool group, and my blogging friends.
Some of the answers are longer than others, some may be repeated but in different terms ( I included them because each family has their own reasons for homeschooling and answers can come in more than one shape and form), but they all came from REAL homeschool moms
So, if you are considering homeschooling but aren’t’ sure if it’s for you, check out this list. We may talk you into it 🙂
- Time with my children
- As Christian parents, I believe it is our duty.
- My kids are the coolest people I know and I like being with them!
- our child doesn’t fit traditional schooling.
- Your local public school isn’t a good option.
- Private school is out of your price range.
- Your child wants to explore their own interests at their own pace.
- You’ve seen first hand the success of your homeschooling friends.
- Homeschooling does not solve all the problems of parenting, y’all. But for us, we felt it was the best way to ensure (as much as it is possible to do so) that our children’s character development was given productive guidance and a safe place to grow in a positive direction.~Annie and Everything
- Flexibility. We love being able to make our own schedule, that our kids can learn at their own pace and that we can still do all the thigs we enjoy in life like travel. It’s also allowed my kids to develop deeper passions in dance and gymnastics because we can do as many classes as necessary for them to grow and succeed. ~Beyond Mommying
- Schedule flexibility-what days to school as well as what hours of the day (when my husband was on 2nd shift, the kids wouldn’t have seen him had they gone to school.)
- Lighter academics in early years
- Custom education for kids who don’t fit neatly in one grade level
- Love
- Bible
- Curriculum choice
- Able to experience the first “aha” moments
- A truly appropriate & individualized education
- The right to full language acquisition
- Sign language is not withheld from students with hearing impairments (which it is 95% of the time for Deaf/deaf/HH public school students).
- Inappropriate sex education is screened from curriculum
- Science & History taught from the Biblical perspective.
- The Arts do not have to be sacrificed.
- Recess makes a comeback.
- Two of my kids were not being challenged in public school, and one had fallen through the cracks. All of them were stressed from constant assessments and distracted by inappropriate language, behavior, and a general lack of respect. We started to see those influences negatively affect the attitudes of our kids…which affects the entire family. As the momma, I felt like I was sending my kids into the fire all day. They’d either be in tears or in a rage of anger as soon as I picked them up and we’d spend the rest of the day putting out the flames. So we’re bringing them home. I want my kids back. We can offer them a safe, encouraging place to learn and grow into confident adults, instilling our values and teaching from a Biblical perspective. (This will be my first year homeschooling, so I have NO idea what I’m doing…but those are my reasons for doing it!) 🙂
- Each day my oldest goes to school, then when she’s home I have to fight her to assert my authority over her or she won’t listen, and this behavior gets picked up by younger siblings too. Before she started going to public school she would draw very detailed pictures but now she draws just enough to make it clear when she colors there are no imagination just realistic color choices.
- I want my family back together
- No vaccinations required;
- Keep God in school
- No bullying ( I will add that this may not be true for everyone, BUT if it does happen you are able to deal with it first hand like we did)
- One-on-one instruction
- Personalized curriculum according to student rather than one size fits all
- Safety from crazy school shooters/bombers
- Protection from cussing and bad friend influences
- Lots more time to teach them the Bible and help them have a close relationship with God
- No tests
- No Common Core
- Less stressful mornings because no getting up and rushing anymore. 🙂
- No peer pressure.
- No keeping up with the trends.
- The ability to move on to harder material when needed.
- More sleep for the kiddos.
- More crafts and bonding moments.
- Our kids have time to start and run a business, one of the best ways to learn “real-life” skills.
- No bullying or peer pressure to keep up with what the world tells us is right.
- Having the ability to allow God and His Son, Jesus, in our home and school. We want our kids to know what God says is right, not the world!
- Homeschooling enables parents to screen culturally accepted hate speech.
- Schedule flexibility. My husband works night shift, so we are able to optimize our schedule to spend more time with him.
- Personalized curriculum–kids strong in one area, average in another, and weak somewhere else.
- My number one reason to homeschool is because I want to see and hear all of the “firsts”. I want to experience that light coming on in her head when she understands something or gets a creative idea.
- I want to see her smile when she enjoys something.
- I want to be there to explain what she doesn’t understand.
- I want to be the one to comfort her when she is having a hard day.
- I want to be the one who changes her life because of knowledge.
- I want to watch that knowledge become wisdom through experiencing various situations and figuring out how to solve problems.
- I want to watch her confidence in herself and God grow and discover for herself that failure only happens when she gives up.
- I want to be there; be available; be in the moment; be her mom.
- In the short time, I have been homeschooling my daughter, I have developed more patience, a better understanding of her strengths and weaknesses and a stronger connection with her.
- Getting myself and my family to heaven.
- Flexibility, when daddy is home we don’t do school. His weekends are never on normal weekends and he works second so we start in the afternoon.
- Sleeping in!
- Time/flexibility to take advantage of various resources/activities that you can’t with the structure of public school
- It’s not a reason why I started but I see it now, stronger sibling bond. My boys really are best friends and I’m hoping that carries thru their lives.
- Family time to create a strong bond was our #1 concern! Work with daddy’s schedule, along with teaching our kids that
- Work with daddy’s schedule
- Teaching our kids that we as parents might not be perfect but we will always be there for them!
- Keeping their innocent and purity. We aren’t making them un-aware of the evil or that bad things can happen. Just making sure they don’t get the worlds view that is skewed!
- We hope to travel
- I’m not sure we can afford “free” public education. Between the lunches, the clothes, the field trips, the transportation, the school supplies, sickness that requires medication and doctor visits, and the limited dual enrollment options, “free” public school has the potential of costing families thousands of dollars.
- Freedom
- Pajama Days
- Field Trips
- Learning as a lifestyle
- Relationships- We learn together as a family and build relationships while homeschooling.
- More time
- No Homework-EVER.
- No worries about food allergies
- Vacationing out of season
- Cursive!
- Spring days instead of snow days
- Park playdates when the park is empty!
- No school bus
- No school fundraisers
- Birthdays can count as a school holiday!
- I don’t have to teach to the test
- Can accommodate a child’s special needs
- Cooking and chores are home ec
- A more relaxed learning environment
- Not being boxed into grade levels
- You can kiss the principal 😉
- My kids are always at the top of their class!
- In high school, our kids will have more opportunities for on the job training, apprenticeships, etc.
- I don’t want my kids indoctrinated.
- I want them to learn at their own pace.
- Not confined to only socializing with kids their own age
- Is more academically sound
- Mothers can TRULY know their kids
- Real-life learning is able to happen. Daily. Not just on a certain time schedule
- To teach from a Christian worldview, pass on our values, freedom from school schedule, we get to decide what is important – what is taught, what is not
- Minimize peer influence
- We know who their friends are.
And there you have it! Over 100 reasons to consider homeschooling. Have we talked you into it yet? Share your reasons for considering homeschooling below! If so, you may want to grab my book
PS: If you are considering homeschooling, you may want to grab my book H0meschool 101. It has everything you need to know to start homeschooling!
Thank you so much for your time
Awe, thank you Alex! I honestly don’t deal with cabin fever a lot. We are SO busy! I try to make sure we stay home at least one full day every week. With soccer, piano, 4H, homeschool activities, normal errands like doctors visits, grocery store trips, etc, we are on the road a lot.
Choosing a curriculum doesn’t have to be hard. I wrote a post about it here: http://www.findingjoyinthejourney.net/how-do-i-choose-a-curriculum/ and here: http://www.findingjoyinthejourney.net/3-tips-to-choosing-a-homeschool-curriculum/
I am on the fence about homeschooling. I love love your blog. How do you fend off “cabin fever” and are you home a lot? And then there is picking a curriculm!! It All seems a bit overwhelming.