Disclosure:I was sponsored by the National Religious Liberties Conference to write about the value of membership in HSLDA. All opinions are mine alone.
When I first began homeschooling, I had no real understanding of the history of it. I had no clue that years ago homeschooling parents literally HID from authorities. I had no clue that years ago homeschooling wasn’t even LEGAL in the United States. I had no clue that parents, like me, had to FIGHT for their right to homeschool.
Fast forward 6 years, and I truly appreciate the freedom I have in this country to homeschool. I also understand that our freedom is under attack. This is why our family is supporters of Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), and I believe you should consider a membership as well. Here are three reasons to join HSLDA.
HSLDA Fights for our Freedoms
The mission behind HSLDA is to support our freedom as parents. For the past 30 years, they have been advocates for family and homeschool freedom. They have been able to preserve and expand the rights of parents to CHOOSE the best educational path for their children. By supporting their organization now, we are not only fighting for our rights to homeschool, but we are ensuring that they will be around to fight for the next generation of homeschoolers.
HSLDA offers Peace of Mind
A few years ago I heard a knock on my door. I peeked out the window and saw a truancy officer. I almost fainted. I rushed in, got my paperwork, and grabbed the phone to call HSLDA. As I opened the door, he recognized me and promptly said, “I think I have the wrong house” as I said, “I turned my paperwork in, what can I help you with”. Long story short, even though I KNEW I was legal, and even though he wasn’t there for me, I still felt good knowing I could call HSLDA for support.
One of HSLDA’s goals is to give families the freedom to homeschool without having to face legal threats alone. As a member of HSLDA, if you do ever face issues with local school officials, you will NOT have to deal with them without support. HSLDA member ship covers attorney fees, witness costs, travel expenses, and other court-related costs. Once you are a member of HSLDA you will receive quarterly magazines. It is scary to see the number of calls they deal with each month. Thanks to HSLDA many of those cases are settled out of court.
Being a member of HSLDA gives me peace of mind. I KNOW they are fighting for my freedoms, I KNOW that if someone every shows up at my door (for me!), HSLDA has my back.
HSLDA Promotes Homeschooling
Not only does HSLDA fight for our freedoms, and offer us peace of mind, but they are actively promoting homeschooling. HSLDA is working hard to change the public perception of homeschooling. They are doing this by answering numerous media inquiries, talking to reporters form The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and much more. As homeschooling becomes more and more mainstream, HSLDA is there to share benefits of homeschooling with a worldwide audience.
I shared just a few reasons to join HSLDA. If you have considered an HSLDA membership, I encourage you don’t delay! Consider joining, check out their site, learn more about their organization, and join me in supporting homeschool freedom!
I am in Ohio! Our state is very strict, we haven’t had any issues here in Southern Ohio. BUT, everytime I get an HSLDA magazine, Ohio is one of the top 5 with phone calls and needed help from HSLDA. It is a great reminder to me that even though our local schools here are easy to deal with, that it is NOT the case statewide. Where are you at in Ohio?
I never thought I needed to join, since we are residents of Louisiana, which is super homeschool-friendly. However, we are in Ohio this year, and have had a little more difficulty with homeschooling out of state. I am seriously considering joining! Thanks for the confirmation.
I have been putting this off, but this is a good reminder to get it done 🙂