*I’m excited to share some guest posts with you over the next few weeks while I recuperate from carpal tunnel issues. Be sure to visit these awesome ladies blogs! Thank you 🙂
Is your home anything like mine? By the time bedtime rolls around I am ready to have the kids in bed so I can hide somewhere with a cup of tea (or bowl of ice cream) and a good book. I spend a lot of time with my children everyday from homeschool lessons, preparing meals, reading books snuggled on the couch, and chauffeuring them to activities. Previously, I did not want to supervise getting pajamas on, brushing teeth, getting settled in bed, and saying prayers. I was to ready to be off-duty and let my husband take over the bedtime routine.
Our new bedtime routine
Our new bedtime routine is for the girls to get pajamas on, wash their face, and tidy their rooms. (Some nights I need to directly supervise these activities to make sure they happen in a timely manner.) I then brush their teeth. Once they are in bed, Dad says prayers individually with each girl.
Depending on how quickly they completed their tasks, I spend 5–15 minutes with each girl once they are in bed. (This is a great incentive to get ready for bed quickly because they faster they are in the bed the more time we have to spend together.)
I use this time to speak each girl’s love language. My youngest daughter’s love language is physical touch and she LOVES to snuggle so I lay next to her while we talk or make shadow puppets on the wall. There is usually a fair bit of giggling involved since she is a pretty silly girl. My older daughter’s love language is quality time (plus she is now a preteen) so I sit with her and talk, allowing her to direct the conversation. Some nights it is a serious conversation about growing up. Other nights it is more light hearted about random things on her mind.
Before leaving each girl’s room, I tell them something on which to focus their thoughts as they go to sleep. This helps them battle nighttime fears.
How I found joy in bedtime routines
I see a difference in their willingness to go to bed since they are looking forward to our special time together. They don’t realize it, but they cherish that I am speaking their love language. I have learned new things about each girl as we talk. It is a great way to deepen our relationship.
It is an opportunity for mentoring my daughters. I am able to get to know them better and speak love and truth into them. They are more willing to open up and share intimate thoughts in the privacy of their bedrooms. Because I have been careful to let them direct the conversation, they are also more willing to open up because they know I am in listening mode and not teacher or mom mode.
My bedtime routine is off to a great start. I am blessed by the time I spend with my daughters each night. It provides me an opportunity to slow down from the day and cherish these special moments. I try to have my computer turned off before supper so I can create a relaxing bedtime routine for myself. (I don’t always succeed if I have a deadline I must meet, but it’s my goal.) Spending time with the girls followed by reading a book is a great way to prepare my mind and body for bed.
There’s not always joy in bedtime routines
I have come to cherish our nightly snuggles and talks. Because I approach them with the right attitude, they are refreshing and relaxing. But there are still nights I do not find joy in bedtime routines.
Some nights we are not able to get the girls in bed early enough for a snuggle or time to talk. Those nights I try to spend a few minutes sitting with each girl before saying goodnight.
There are some nights that I want to do anything BUT snuggle or talk. These nights are a challenge and I remind myself that they still want me to be there with them and still want to talk to me so I cherish that and try to look beyond my feelings. There will come a day when those beds are empty because they are all grown up and living on their own. But for now they are filled with sweet little girls that need their momma to choose joy in each moment.
How are you finding joy in bedtime routines?
Crystal has a passion to share her research and experience with parents in a way that equips them to train the hearts, minds, and souls of their children. She encourages parents through her blog, workshops, and published resources. You can find out more about Crystal at www.triumphantlearning.com.
I sing to my girls after we pray till they go to sleep. At first and still some nights this is tiring but I look at it this way. They are only little once, I now cherish that time and I sing Jesus to them. Others think I am crazy and that they will never go to sleep on their own but I read an article recently that said they actually sleep better on their own later because I have made them feel safe and special while they are young. As they grow older we will talk more but for now they want me to sing. I pray for them after so I know they know I pray for them every night.
May you and your family be blessed from the extra time you spend investing in your children.
I’m so glad you are investing in your kids as well. Yes, there are many nights I would prefer to not stay and snuggle or talk, but I have found that we all are in a better frame of mind when I do.
I love this and definitely needed to hear it. I am like you were–bedtime is my husband’s job because I am so done by the end of the day! And if he has to work late, I admit that I just tell them to get in bed, and it is always a hassle. I am going to put some of your ideas in play tonight. What great ideas and thanks for sharing.
Thank you!! And yes, wasn’t her article fantastic!
Hi Crystal,
I am taking a similar path – recently I started laying with each boy for a couple of minutes before I head downstairs. Most nights I don’t want to because I am tired or frustrated or whatever. But a few invested minutes DO make a difference, not only for them but for me. Thank you for the encouragement to keep going!
Wishing you a quick and easy recovery, Misty! Crystal, your article was wonderful. Sometimes we can get so caught up in the craziness of the day, that we neglect to see the joy in what can be such special moments. Thanks for sharing this 🙂