We want to know our calling. We want to be used. But, there are a few things we need to remember when it comes to not only knowing our calling but finding joy in it.
It’s the question I hate being asked, “What do you do now?”. It is the one that is supposed to allow us to name off all the wonderful things we are doing with our life. However, for me, it is the question that leaves me weak in the knees. What do I say? Am I just a mom? A writer? A blogger? A teacher? A freelancer? I feel like, despite the fact that I am 32 years old, I don’t know what my calling or purpose is in this life.
That is one reason why I jumped at the chance to go through the book, Your Beautiful Purpose with my in home Bible study group. As women, I believe no matter what stage of life we are in we struggle with our calling. We don’t feel like we do enough. We want a bigger ministry, a purpose for our life. We want to be recognized for the work we do that is seen, and even the work we do that is sometimes unseen. We want to be used by the Lord but are not sure what that should look like. We want to know and embrace our calling in life.
But, there are a few things we need to remember when it comes to not only knowing our calling but finding joy in our calling.
Stop Choosing Others Callings
Some are called to be doctors, singers, preachers and teachers. That does not mean we are. We may desire to be one of these things, or something else. But, that does not mean that is OUR calling for life. It may be a desire in our heart, and sometimes it may be placed there by the Lord. But, sometimes it’s not, and God may say no. Or not right now.
We will only wait on Him with joy if we have deep confidence in His love for us~ David Timms
Embrace Our Own Calling
When God says no to another’s calling, He is telling us to embrace our own. In her book, Susie Larson shares that time and time again she desired for a bigger ministry, a bigger platform, but God kept saying NO. Instead she was dealt with a debilitating illness, financial problems, and three little boys. She didn’t understand why the Lord was leading her down this path, until later. She had to choose to embrace where God had her, to see where God was leading her next. She had to embrace the calling God had for her life, even when she didn’t fully see what was in store. She had to trust that God had a plan and that His plan for her life was much better than her own.
Envy is a powerful motivator and the devil knows it. If he can get us to compare ourselves to another, he can derail us-at least for the moment-from God’s best plan for us~ Susie Larson
Motherhood IS a calling
Here’s another thing I have learned through the years as a mom who struggles with her calling. Motherhood IS a calling, and God does sometimes call moms to be JUST that. Yes, moms can have numerous roles in our world. They can be doctors, and teachers, and nurses, and missionaries. But, sometimes they can be Just a Mom. And God can allow us to do nothing more than raise up the next generation. So, when we are asked what we are doing with our lives, we should be able to say with pride, “I am a Mom that is where God has called me to be right now”. Don’t apologize for that! Find joy in your calling as a mom, embrace where God has you, and know that He has a plan.
If you are reading this today and are struggling with God’s calling for your life, let me encourage you to sit back and wait. Seek God’s will. Pray. Fast. And then wait.
God has an amazing calling for each one of us. For some, it may be writing a blog that reaches millions of people. For some, it may be speaking to thousands and encouraging them to follow God’s purpose for their lives. For some, it may be missions, or the medical field, or working in education. For some, it may be to raise up the next generation. But, we all need to find our calling from the Lord. And, once we have found it we need to embrace it, trust that it is from the Lord and put our whole hearts into it. That is how we can find joy in our calling.
What is God calling you to do? How can I pray for you as you seek His calling on your life?
Yes! Pray for insight, and find a way that you can use your talent for the Lord while still filling your calling at home. Prayers!!
I have a natural gift for visual arts…painting and drawing. I was lazy when I was younger and didn’t figure out what to do with it before kids. Now I have kids, I’m tired and low on time, but I still want to do art. I’m frustrated. Plus, I don’t know how to bless others with it…if I should. I’ve been wondering what to do with myself for the past 10 years. I’ll keep praying for insight I guess.
I don’t think that’s silly at all! I believe it is something most women struggle with 🙂 But….. you are nurturing a life right now. That is enough!!
Sounds like something I need to read! I was just pouting to my husband this morning because I want to be superwoman and do it all, but I’m pregnant and have NO energy so it’s just not happening right now… I know I sounded silly, but I really do want it all!
Exactly!! It is totally enough 🙂
Love this! I’ve struggled with thinking that serving my family (husband & kids) was not enough and that I needed to be serving others for it to be considered purposeful to God. But I was wrong and during this season of my life…my purpose is to be a wife and mother.
God has called me to women’s ministry, but He also has called me to write and speak about homeschooling. I feel joy when I am walking in that calling!
Your welcome!! Thank you for stopping by 🙂
Love that! My husband recently listed my occupation as “writer” on a form. I had to stop and think… “What?” I was honored that he considered me that, even when I didn’t consider it myself.
Great post. Figuring out my calling has always been a struggle, especially when the kids were real little and I sometimes felt like I was losing myself. I still wonder some days what I will be when I grow up. I’ve started to claim “writer” as my profession and no one batted an eye. Apparently I was just the last to know. Visiting from #fellowshipfriday.
Misty, thank you for encouraging us to embrace our own calling, and the reminder that motherhood is a calling. That is so easy to forget! Visiting from Equipping Godly Women linkup. Have a great day! Kim Stewart
Popping over from #fellowshipFriday. What a lovely post, often we just don’t accept where we are in life and your post made me think today so thank you for your encouragement 🙂