One thing that most homeschool moms can agree on is that we are busy. The end of the day comes and I’m tired. But, busy moms we can make time for the word!
One thing that most moms can agree on is that we are busy. Too busy really. If you are like me, some days may end like this. The end of the day comes and I’m tired. I remember I haven’t spent time in prayer, but my eyes shut as soon as my head hits the pillow. This happens more often than I’d like. But, busy moms we can make time for the word! On days I do well it is normally because I have done one of the following three things.
Get Up Earlier
This is hard. Really hard. On a good day. I do my devotion right after my husband leaves for work, and before I get up and work. I have found that when I make the time to do this my day goes so much smoother. I am less grumpy, I have more peace about me when I start the day, and I am overall in a much better mood. If you have a hard time making time for the Lord, I encourage you to set your alarm 30 minutes earlier. If that won’t work, then make it a habit to read the bible or pray before your feet hit the floor. Finding quiet time with the Lord each morning will make a huge difference in how you feel. I promise.
Get the Kids Involved
During the school year, we do our morning devotions each day at the start of school. I LOVE this time and have to say that I miss it when we’re out of school for the summer. We use a devotional that we all enjoy and learn from. We also make time to pray before the start of school. This gets us all off to a great start to the day.
Another way to get the kids involved is to set aside time each day for all family members to do their personal devotions. Even the toddler can sit for 5 minutes with a children’s bible. With every family member setting aside time for the Lord, you are getting your children and yourself in the habit of personal devotions. You are also modeling this behavior for your children, which is very important.
Utilize Technology
We live in a time where we all have and utilize technology. A busy mom can make time for the Lord easily with her smart phone. The You version Bible App is a great tool that comes with devotions built in. You can set a reminder up on your phone that reminds you to read your devotion each day. There are tons of different topics to choose from, and the app offers numerous versions of the Bible.
Email is another great way to utilize technology. Sign up for email devotions, and you will have encouraging scripture sent to your inbox each day. My personal favorites are Proverbs 31 Ministries and Alpha Omega Publications Homeschool Devotions (They also have a Homeschool Mom’s Bible that includes devotions; I got one for Christmas and I LOVE it!). Find a way that you can utilize technology to make time for the Lord. It may be an app, it may be emailed, or it may be an online devotional group. Find what works for you!
Moms, we are all busy, but one thing I have learned through the years is that when I am too busy to make time for the Lord I struggle. I snap at my kids, I snap at my husband, and I am overall in a bad mood. This is not how the Lord wants us to live our lives. So, hopefully, you can use one of these 3 tips to make time for the Lord.
How do you find time to pray, and read the word? Please share your tips for busy homeschool moms!
This is the devotional bible I have, and LOVE!
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Thanks! It is a really good devotional 🙂
I always get up early to read the Bible and pray – it’s the only time in the day that I can really connect with the Lord. I also LOVE the YouVersion Bible app… it’s so handy.
I’ve been pining for that homeschool mom’s devotional Bible. I might just have to treat myself to it this year!
Thanks for sharing (and for taking the time to link up to the #SHINEbloghop).
I hope you had a lovely weekend.
I agree. I recall always getting up earlier before my children would wake up. That is a good quiet time to be with the Lord. It is so peaceful.
Yes it does! I hate getting up early, but my whole tone changes when I make that time. Thanks for stopping by and for the nice comments 🙂
LOVE this! Getting up early, before the kids, while hard, very hard 🙂 I have found it to be life changing. I am able to spend some quiet time with a cup of coffee! It sets the tone for my whole day! Found this on the pin it party 🙂