Changes and ups and downs in your homeschool are inevitable. Each year changes will happen, each year you will face the possibility of homeschool burnout and each year you must be willing and ready to combat it. How will you do that this year?
I wake up not even wanting to do school. The kids are tired. I’m tired. The days are running together, and we are all in dire need of socialization. I’m DONE. With school. With winter. With everything. What am I dealing with? Homeschool burnout!
Now is the season when many homeschool moms are facing massive burnout. The winter months are long and due to weather many of us have been stuck inside for weeks. This leaves us all a little stir crazy.
This season is a dangerous one and can cause many homeschool moms to throw in the towel. Don’t be a victim of homeschool burnout. Combat it now, before it’s too late!
Here are some things that can help you combat homeschool burnout!
Plan a Day with Friends
One of our favorite things to do in the winter is celebrated our 100th day of school. We always do this with a big group of friends at a local museum. It helps break up the mundane of winter and gets us out and about. Plan something similar for you and your homeschool friends. Maybe it’s a day at a pizza place? A playdate at the mall? A trip to the local aquarium? Yes, the weather’s cold, but breaking up the winter months is important if you want to combat homeschool burn out.
Take a Break or Shake Things Up!
February is a great time to take a few days off of school. Who says you can’t have a winter break? Homeschooling is all about flexibility and taking time off is something YOU can choose to do. Even if it’s just a day, consider taking a break this month to help you combat the winter blues.
If you don’t want to take a break completely consider shaking things up instead. Ditch the curriculum completely this month and do something fun and out of the ordinary. Some great examples include a lap book on a specific topic. Maybe a unit study on something one of your kids has been dying to learn about. Spend a month studying your state’s history, or the history of your area. One year we did a study on the movie dolphin tale. Another year we studied Ohio History for the month and made a bucket list of places we wanted to visit when the weather warmed up.
This keeps things fun and exciting during a season when the school can become boring and mundane for you and your children.

Realize this Season WILL End
Know that this season of homeschool burnout will end. It won’t last forever. Before you know it the weather will be warmer, field trips will start back up and you’ll be battling the desire to take nice weather days instead of snow days.
Homeschooling is full of seasons. Changes and ups and downs in your homeschool are inevitable. Each year changes will happen, each year you will face the possibility of homeschool burnout and each year you must be willing and ready to combat it. How will you do that this year? The decision is up to you!
Posts from my iHN friends that can help you overcome homeschool burnout:
- How to Avoid Homeschool Burnout from Learning from My Kids
- The Essential Guide to Conquering Homeschool Burnout from Schooling a Monkey
Related Posts:
- 3 Lessons Learned from Burnout
- The Warning Signs of Mom Burnout
- When You’re Homeschooling out of Negligence
Yes, me too!
This is the worst time in our family. I find taking a break from it all an important thing to do, to break the boredom and monotony
Awe, thank you Leigh Ann! The best tip I have to help with the kids draining me is 2-4 time. I wrote a post about that here: http://www.findingjoyinthejourney.net/how-2-4-saved-my-homeschool/
Bottom line is rest time. Every day. We need it. They need it. It has been a HUGE blessing for us! Also, know I am praying for you!! Rough seasons can drain us on their own. Add kids, homeschooling and other areas of life and it is SO hard!
Thanks, Misty! I’m encouraged by your post and video. I feel burned out and am asking God to help me. We’ve had health struggles, broken leg and surgery, dryer fire, no washer/dryer for 2 months, furnace broke, an 11-year-old son who is struggling so much.
Have you figured out a way to not let your children drain you? I want to be a strong mom, but I am so exhausted.
Great tips, I am here right now. I won’t give up but man it is getting hard!