In a world that tells us we are Just a mom, we need to say NO. We are God’s, and we were given a job to do, and that work is kingdom work.
I’m pushing my cart through Wal-Mart, with three little ones tagging along. One is covered in dirt because he HAD to find the one mud puddle on the way to the van. One is pushing numbers into a calculator to help me make sure I stay on budget, and the other is trudging along behind asking “Are we done yet”.
I am frazzled, annoyed, and ready to go home. Then, I hear my name called. I turn around and am face to face with someone I went to school with. She tells me she is on break from work where she has some sort of an important job, accounting? Medical stuff? I’m not sure, as she’s talking I’m just thinking about the snot stains on my pants.
Then she asks, “What do you do?” I respond, “You know, I’m just a mom. Staying home, taking care of the kids.” We talk a few more minutes and as she walks away, I ask myself why I said that. Why do I always say that?
I am not JUST a mom!
While I was at Allume, I took a fantastic session by Lisa Jo Baker. In that session, she talked about our lives, our titles, and our significance in Christ. She reminded me, that I am SO much more than JUST a mom! I took away so much from that session but am going to share with you two things that REALLY stood out to me.
Titles are not important.
You don’t need a big name to be doing kingdom work. For some, it may be a lawyer, doctor, singer, preacher. For some, it may simply be a mom. That doesn’t make our work any less important. And, there is no such thing as JUST a mom. As moms, God can use us. I went to this conference feeling like God was calling me to DO something. But, that my title as “mom” didn’t make me good enough to step out and DO it. I was wrong. Moms, God can use us. What we do is important. Even if we don’t have something tangible in front of us to see or feel. Our jobs are important because He gave them to us. Snotty noses, dirty fingers and full of messes. They are ours.
There is more than enough work in the kingdom.
Our work, our jobs may be different but we all have jobs to do. For some that work may be seen regularly on this side of heaven. For others, it may not be seen outside of our homes. However, all of us have work here to do. And, if we are doing what God has called us to do, it is kingdom work. Whether it is administering medicine to patients, or wiping snotty noses. For me, God called me to be a mother, God called me to be their teacher. And if God called me, He will use me to model what it is like to be called His in God’s kingdom.
My job is important. Your job is important. It is Kingdom Work.
When I lay my head down at night and think about my day, I may not have completed “big” things, or what some deem “important” things. But, I am right where God wants me doing His work; I am in His will and in the end, that’s all He really wants from me. For me to do MY kingdom work. Not someone else’s.
Related Posts:
- Three Ways to Gain Confidence as a Mom
- Busy Homeschool Moms Make Time for the Lord
- Take Some Time for YOU
A salute to all moms who give their all in raising future champions. You are more than just a mom. You have been entrusted with the most difficult role of building the future.
Absolutely! Yet, we sometimes hesitate when we tell others that. I wish, as moms, we had more confidence in ourselves and our roles as moms. I am getting there 🙂 I used to be able to say “educator” or “child care owner” but when I quit that, I started labeling myself as “just a mom”. And, I felt that. I want to say that title proudly! Without worrying about the judgement or criticism of others.
Love this post! I was thinking about this today actually while I was at the doctor. She asked me if I work and I said “yes, full time with two rambunctious children and another on the way.” Our jobs as moms are so important, so rewarding, and so challenging every single day. There is nothing “just” about what we do.
Wonderful post Misty and I sooooo agree with you! I once heard that we need to take the word “just” out of our vocabularies. Everything we do is of great significance and we are never “just” a student, “just” a mom, “just” a homemaker, or “just” anything. I, you, we are important and our roles are vital, critical, and beautiful.
Like I said, wonderful post!
Thanks for sharing and linking up to the #SHINEbloghop.
Wishing you a lovely weekend.
Yes! I seriously feel like I could have went to just that session and left feeling full. Thanks so much for stopping by! I haven’t made it through all my cards yet or visited everyones blogs. Headed over to yours now 🙂
Hi Misty, it was nice to meet you at Allume. I went to Lisa-Jo’s session and I agree – it was phenomenal. I like the statement about of we are right where God wants us. It’s something I have to remind myself of daily when in the midst of the mundane motherhood chores.
I found this blog article very touching. It literally made my heart smile 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing!
Oh, not my husband! He barely made it the 4 days I was gone at Allume. He is great with the kids, just prefers going to work every day.
Bahaha! I was checking my email, seen this and literally about spit out water. Thank you for making my day 🙂
“I’m headmistress of a small, exclusive private school.” ; )
Yes, what we do as moms is the most important job in the world because we shape our children’s character, which affects who they end up becoming.
Never “just a mom.” 😉 Even my husband tells me that he is envious that I get to do what I do. He wishes he was a stay-at-home dad. Haha! Great post!
Shaunta, you are so welcome! We have had the same thing said to us. My husband lost is job in 2009 and we had NO clue what we would do. I was reminded then, how much nicer it would be if I had a “real” job (I ran a daycare so we did have some money coming in). I think the hurtful words come more in the midst of justification. Like, they are justifying their choices, will condemning someone else’s. It is not right, but that is how society seems to do things. Prayers for you and your husband’s job. Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Thank you for sharing this, especially today!! Last night my husband made a comment about a guy at work & how his (the friend at work) wife works and his (my husband’s) wife doesn’t. It was said in the middle of a conversation about a possible lay off and how this other family would financially be ok while ours would be hurt significantly by this. I know he didn’t mean it to hurt at all, but it felt like a sucker-punch in the gut. You’re words brought so much comfort to me today. Thank you!!