Our dream home, that is what we all want right? I know I did. I had visions of what it would look like. When my husband and I began searching for our dream home, we were young. I wasn’t working, and Alyson was just a baby. I had one price in mind, the bank had another….
We began searching and looked for about 6 months. Everything we liked, we couldn’t afford. We put in an offer on one home, only to find out that the owners accepted another offer that was mere 100’s more than ours. It was frustrating. At the time, my mom had decided to sell my childhood home. It was NOT at the top of my wish list, or my husbands. But, it met most of our qualifications, and more importantly, we could afford it.
We never planned to stay here long, and actually have had it on the market twice. It wasn’t as nice as “others” homes, it was too small, too much to keep up, and we got sick of hiking up our hill every winter. We could just never find another home that fit our “dreams” and our budgets.
Through the years, our home has welcomed two new babies, it has kept us warm, and it has provided us shelter from the storms. We have added on, we have renovated, I have caught it on fire (literally). Memories have been made. Our thoughts of a dream home have changed. We have chosen to find joy in the modest abode we have.
Our house may be small (less than 1500 sq feet), but so is the mortgage. This has allowed me to stay home with our kids.
The yard work is overwhelming sometimes, but the privacy that we have in our own back yard is priceless.
We fight our hill every winter, but the view is gorgeous!
When I look out our kitchen window, and see my children playing freely, it reminds me of my mom looking out that same window. There is a legacy here in our modest abode. My husband and I became engaged in our living room and through the years, generations have gathered there. All three of my children have taken their first steps here. It may not have originally been our dream home, but through the years, it has seen many of our dreams come true. Dreams we didn’t even know that we had.
I am not sure what your dream home may be. Maybe you live in it now, maybe it is one that you are working towards, and maybe it seems out of sight. Take the time today to look at what your current home has to offer you. If you look close enough, you may find it already is your dream come true.
Linking up with Women Helping Women.
Amen! God has a plan that may be different than ours, but his is always better. I love having roots, and making memories with my kids in my childhood home.
That is so precious to live in your childhood home. So much truth in what you said. I ended up living right next door to my parents on what used to be family farmland, which is not what I planned or expected. But the roots here are strong, and it has been a blessing similar to what you described. Thanks for sharing! Found you at the mom 2 mom linkup. 😉
Yes!! And finding joy in that home, and contentment, even though it may not meet all our “wants” is SO important!!
I LOVE THIS POST!!!!! So great! We do want to move out to where we can have more room to roam around and as we look, I’m realizing that our dream home is way out of our price range, and even then it wouldn’t be a dream home because it would require both of us working full time (or more) and not being home enough to enjoy it. Having a smaller, and possibly slightly outdated, home so I can stay home with my children is so much more important to us than a Pinterest-perfect house.
I know! It is really easy to get sucked into all that the world says that we need. Thanks for commenting, and good luck!
I’ve been thinking of this a lot lately as we think about building/buying a permanent home. I never thought I would be happy where I am, but I don’t want much more. I look at floor plans and I see all these “dream home” ideas in them with bathrooms bigger than the bedrooms. I just want what we need. I see wasted space there. My 1200 sq ft home provides more than enough. It also keeps us from building clutter. If you have the space, you will fill it! I think the issue is so much bigger. What we think we need and what we actually need are often very different things. We need to move our minds from dreaming about changes we wish we could make to changes we can make. That also includes our joy and love for what we have.