So, your loved ones have decided to homeschool. Now what? You’re not happy, but what can you do? When your loved ones have decided to homeschool you have a choice to make
So, your loved ones have decided to homeschool….. They announce it and your heart just stops. What are they thinking?
Your grandkids are going to be weird!
Your friendship is going to end.
They are becoming religious fanatics!
They have fallen off the deep end.
These are all things that may cross your mind when your loved ones share the news that they are homeschooling. I understand. Believe me! When a friend mentioned homeschooling to me years ago, I told her she was a freak!
Now….. we homeschool!
Let me just tell you that when I broke the news I was homeschooling to my loved ones the responses were less than I hoped for.
Your kids are going to be freaks!
Why in the world would you want to do that?
They’re not going to have any friends.
I thought our kids would go to school together!
That’s great for you; just don’t push it on me okay?
They’ll never get into college!
You really think you’re qualified to do THAT?
And you know what? It hurt. It really hurt. Homeschooling did NOT hurt our relationship. Their responses hurt our relationship. Their criticism hurt our relationship. Their lack of support hurt our relationship.
Don’t believe me? Listen to the RUDEST response we have ever experienced with homeschooling. This response haunts me still, YEARS later. And totally changed my young daughter’s outlook on life.
If you truly don’t agree with the person’s choice, say nothing at all. Then, pray about it. Don’t criticize them. Research homeschooling. Maybe your negativity stems from myths that just aren’t true. Encourage your loved one in their choices. Ultimately the choice to homeschool is up to the parent, not their loved ones.
So, what DO you say to a loved one who has decided to homeschool?
That’s a great choice for your family!
I’ll pray for you! I know the transition may be difficult, let me know if you need anything!
Let me know how I can help!
I know a friend who homeschools let me get her number!
That’s awesome! I know you have been praying about it for awhile. Let’s make sure to still do playdates, though, okay?
Homeschooling is on the rise nationwide, and that trend does not seem to be stopping anytime soon. So, chances are you will have a loved one who will decide to homeschool at one point or another. Remember the words not to say, and remember the words to say instead.
Homeschooling is a difficult decision for many families and one that is not taken lightly. Homeschool families need encouragement, not criticism. They need friendships, not to be ostracized. They need YOU! So, be there 🙂
Related Posts:
- Can Homeschool Moms and Public School Moms be Friends?
- You Can’t Homeschool, You Will Mess Up My Grandkids
- How to Break the News that You’re Homeschooling
Check out other posts on this topic from my friends at iHomeschool Network!
We have relatives on both sides – some support homeschooling 100%, and there are a few who think public school is the way to go and always ask about socialization… It’s very frustrating!
Refraining is always good 🙂
I’m thankful that our extended family either support our homeschooling or at least refrain from commenting. 🙂
Great post! I love that homeschooling is growing and with that more people are becoming accustomed and even supportive of it.