Do you struggle with feeling like a homeschool failure? You need to learn the number one tip for homeschool success. It’s not what you think!
I have mentored new homeschoolers for a few years and it amazes me that they almost all have one thing in common.
They doubt their ability.
I tell them all over and over again. You CAN do this. It will get easier. I also share with them my #1 tip for homeschool success.
Stop doubting yourself.
Doubt is something that we all deal with, but when it comes to homeschooling, doubt can kill a homeschool mom’s spirit.
Doubt makes her compare her school with someone else’s.
Doubt makes her believe the lie that she can’t homeschool her kids.
Doubt makes her believe her kids were better off in public school.
Doubt makes her believe that the first few months are so hard because she is doing something wrong.
The reality of all this is that homeschooling is just hard. It has nothing to do with your ability. It has to do with the fact that homeschooling will break us.
That’s not a bad thing. By breaking us it makes us rely on the one who can get us through every bad homeschooling day. It makes us rely on the one who can equip us for this homeschooling journey.
It makes us rely on Jesus.
Dear mom, please, please, please don’t doubt your ability to homeschool. Don’t believe the lies others tell you or the lies you tell yourself.
Believe in your ability.
Believe that if God called you to it He will carry you through it.
Believe that YOU are the best one to educate your children because no one will love them like you do.
No one will care about their successes like you do. And no one is better equipped than you.
You can do this.
Believe in yourself!
And stop doubting your ability!
Thank you!
Doubt is definitely the thief that can steal our joy. If I compare our homeschooling to everyone elses I’m going to doubt what we are doing. But if I look at what works for our kids and for our family, then I see our success. Great post!
Great ideas Susan!! Thank you for sharing your experience with doubt
I dealt with my doubts by defining my terms. What does it mean to be “qualified” to homeschool? What is the definition of “success”?
I stopped doubting when I realized that “success” to me meant my children would grow up to be adults of good character with the tools they needed to figure out life as it happened (because who hasn’t had to do that?) I also stopped worrying about being “qualified” when it occurred to me that all the qualifications of a public school teacher didn’t apply in the home. No taking attendance, meeting federal standards, testing to qualify for funding, or other bureaucratic nonsense!
Exactly!!! I feel like the Lord equips us to educate our children. It’s like parenting. What makes us qualified for that really? Simple, they are OUR children. The same can be said abotu homeschooling. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you continue to stick around
I’m on my second year of homeschooling and one of the questions I get is if I worry whether or not I’m qualified. Well of course I worry (and comments like that don’t help!). However, the more I get into homeschooling, the more I realize that it’s just a natural extension of my parenting. I may not be qualified to manage a classroom, but I AM more than qualified to teach my own kids–especially because there are so many great resources available!
I recently started following and I’m looking forward to getting to know more about you
You’re exactly right Megan!
Even seasoned homeschool moms can doubt themselves! I have been homeschooling for 8 years and still doubt myself sometimes.