There is a shocking truth about homeschool moms. What it is you would never guess! The truth about homeschool moms is that……
I am going to share with you something today, something that you may not know about us homeschool moms.
We DON’T HATE public schools.
Yes, that is correct. Shocking I know.
The news has us pitted against each other.
Our public school friends think we judge them.
School teachers believe we think they are incapable.
And many think we hate public education.
The truth about homeschool moms is that for most of us, none of this is true.
Why We Homeschool
When I decided to homeschool my children it was a choice that we made as a family. I honestly didn’t give public schools a chance. God had placed it on my heart early on to homeschool, so in all honesty it wasn’t meant for my children to be in public schools.
My oldest lasted three months before I pulled her out. That wasn’t long enough to get a good feel for the public school, so my choice to homeschool her had more to do with what God had laid on my heart than it ever had to do with the public school system.
I am sure this is the case with many homeschoolers all across the country.
We homeschool because it is what serves our children best.
We homeschool because God laid it on our hearts.
We homeschool because we want to share biblical truths with our children at a young age.
We homeschool because we want to be in charge of our children’s education.
We homeschool because our children have special needs that we feel would be better accommodated at home.
We homeschool because it is what is best for OUR families.
What We DON’T Do
Now, do you see anywhere in that list “we homeschool because we hate public schools?” NO!
Do you know why? Because, most of us DON’T.
We don’t judge you for sending your kids to public school.
We don’t hate school teachers.
We don’t believe that public schools are evil.
We don’t think public schools should be shut down.
We believe that all parents should have the freedom and the choice to educate their children as they see fit. For us, it’s homeschooling. For some, it may be the public school, for others it may be private schools or charter schools. But the point is we all have a choice. That is a freedom that we should be thankful to have.
So, if you are a public school parent, remember the truth about homeschool moms. Your homeschool friends don’t hate you. They don’t judge you, and they don’t think you’re crazy.
If you are a public school teacher, THANK YOU! Schools need good teachers, and you are doing a job that you were called to do. Keep up the good work!
Thank you!
Love this post! & completely agree.
Exactly! We all need to worry about our own choices, and stop with the unnecessary judgements and assumptions.
Yes! It’s like a never ending battle of the mommy war. Let. It. STOp!!
Completely agree! My 2 older boys started in PS. We have teacher friends & family. My oldest plays soccer for local middle school. We interact everyday with public schoolers. No judgement or anything! We are doing what is best for our family at this time…and I pray all families are doing the same😊. Love this post-this is one of those battles that Inwish would end!
We loved the PS my kids were in when we started to HS. I only did it because my kids asked to. I think people do take it personally. I know a lot of people that seem to think I am a bad example because I don’t send my kids to PS. I wish people wouldn’t judge me as I don’t judge them or think they are ‘bad’ because they send their kids. I am too busy to worry about other peoples choices for their kids.
Exactly!! I worry sometimes that people take it personally, when really it has nothing to do with them at all.
Totally agree with you! Our best friends are in public school. We have relatives that are teachers. I admire them all. We unschool because it is what’s best for OUR family. Every family is different and what what works for one doesn’t always work for another.