What kind of goals for homeschool moms are actually realistic? I don’t want to set goals just to fail a month in. Here are 3 realistic goals for homeschool moms!
A new year is coming and many of us are setting goals. We are also evaluating what worked, and what didn’t in the prior year and striving to make the new one more purposeful.
But, what kind of goals for homeschool moms are actually realistic? I don’t know about you, but I hate making goals and failing. I want to set realistic goals that I know I can keep and that has a purpose for our family.
Here are 3 realistic goals for homeschool moms!
To have more joy!
Joy is a choice and can I be honest with you and say that CHOOSING it isn’t always easy? After a rough first week of school, I had an epiphany. I choose the mood in our home. My mood sets the tone. That’s a BIG responsibility! Yet, one that I need to own.
When you have a rough homeschool day. When the kids don’t listen. When the pile of papers is higher than they should be on your desk, when you want to change your name (how many times can ONE kid say mom?!?!) and when you just don’t WANT to “do school” #choosejoy, seriously. Just try it for a week. You’ll be amazed at the difference in your home.
To be present!
We are with our kids 24/7 most of the time, yet we are not always present are we? If we are honest our phone, FB, TV, a good book, all distract us. We probably look in our kid’s eyes less often than we should, and we probably miss more than we realize. We lack true presence even though we may be physically present.
So, in 2016 try an hour unplugged a day, or 15 minutes, or a whole day. Leave the phone in another room during school. Turn it off sometimes. How much time you choose to go unplugged is a personal decision, but I encourage you to take some time at least once a week.
To stop comparing my homeschool!
Comparison is an ugly trap and one that we fall into often. This year strive to STOP comparing your homeschool. Each mom brings her own set of gifts to her family. God gave YOU to your children. And he gave your children to you. Stop comparing them to someone else. Choose to see the blessings in your own home. Choose to see that what you are doing in school is just right for you and your children. Each homeschool is different and if they all looked the same wouldn’t life be SO boring??
When we stop comparing our homeschool we will have more joy and peace and will be able to truly enjoy educating our children.
Moms, these goals can get 2016 off to a fantastic start! Can you imagine how much better our homeschool days would go if we made the choice to be more joyful? How about spending less time engaged in our cell phones (guilty!) and more time present with those we love?
And the big killer for most of us is the comparison trap. Let’s choose in 2018 to stop comparing our homeschool and instead find what works for us and ditching the rest (guilt-free)!
What is one of your realistic goals for the New Year?
PS: Want a more successful homeschool year? Check out this course on how to get it done!
Misty says
Thanks for sharing!! Praying for you to be joy filled in 2019 <3
Belinda Van De Griendt says
Joy is my number one goal for our homeschool this year!! We had none by the end of this year, and it was horrible, and it started with me. I need to set the tone, and I need to do it better in 2019.
Thank you so much for this post – I know it’s an older one, but it cam across my path at just the right moment.
Misty says
Exactly!! I believe if we stop the comparing then we will all be a lot happier 🙂
Jenn says
thank you! It’s nice to hear we all have similar feelings.. I’m trying to be focused and present… Some days we just want to just be together.. Without structured learning.. Then I panic that I’m not doing enough book work. Somedays we do need to just be..
Comparing myself to others is the hardest part of homeschooling.. I always feel my traditional schooling friends are judging…
Misty says
Great tip! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Misty says
Purva Brown - The Classical Unschooler says
One of my most practical goals that always works – not to freak out. It always happens in January every year that I for some reason forget all the other Januarys that went before and think, Wow, why are my kids so lazy? So a good practical plan is not to freak out and stick to the routine. It all works out.
Nicki says
So true! A good reminder. Especially finding joy and setting the tone for the household. It’s not always pretty seeing your flaws coming out in your children 😯 Comparison is another big one for me. I often find myself thinking others are doing this so much “better” than me. Yet I’m constantly telling my kiddos not to compare themselves with each other or other children.
Misty says
I know! #momstruggles :/ Thanks for stopping by!
Misty says
Thank you!!
Janelle Knutson says
Great goals! So simple yet they can be so difficult to do sometimes. Trying to be present, find joy and stop comparing each and every day!
Jennifer | Deliberate Homeschooling says
I love these goals! They are all realistic and practical!
I need to be more present. I’m always thinking one or two steps ahead. I also want to be more flexible… and be open to rolling with new opportunities as they come up.
Thanks for sharing!