Wondering about the program, Reading Eggs? I am sharing how this online reading program helped my struggling learner excel. Plus, grab a free 4-week trial!
I was sitting in class at the tender age of 6 years old. My teacher was talking about words and letters and how we were going to learn something really neat that year. How to read. My eyes lit up. I knew how to read! At least some words. I loved books. I knew this was going to be the best year of school ever!
Flash forward a decade and I still loved to read. I spent my study hall working in the reading lab and continued that job through college. My goal in life was to be a teacher, and the age I wanted to work with was 1st graders. I wanted to teach those kids how to read. Just like my favorite teacher from school had done with me.
When it came time to teach my daughters how to read it was honestly pretty easy. Both of my girls loved to read. My middle was actually reading chapter books in Kindergarten. Reading was easy for both of them.
And then it came time for my son to start “school”. He struggled. I have blogged before about his special needs. You can check those posts out here, and here. But, reading was NOT easy for him. He struggled with letter recognition, vowel differential, overall phonemic awareness, and so much more.
He felt defeated. I felt overwhelmed. Teaching a child to read was no longer a fun endeavor.
We had tried a few online reading programs, as well as the physical programs my girls had used. But, nothing stuck. They all worked fine for a while, but the longevity of the skills he learned was non-existent.
And then, we found Reading Eggs.
I was compensated for this review of Reading Eggs. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own. We have been using the program for nearly a year, and are still using it today.
I actually came across Reading Eggs after being asked to work with them on a math program online. You can see that review of Math Seeds here. Since we had the subscription anyway, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to let him try out Reading Eggs as well.
He fell in love with it. Quickly.
What started off as a supplemental program ended up being our top pick for reading instruction.
How Reading Eggs Works
Reading Eggs is an online program designed to make learning to read fun interactive, and highly rewarding for ages 2–13. Reading Eggs is based on solid scientific research and developed by a team of educators with over 30 years of experience.
The program teaches children to decode words into sounds, and encode sounds into words. This happens within a wide range of activities that feel like a game. This way, young learners stay engaged and motivated as they practice.
Children begin by learning the appropriate sound for each letter of the alphabet, including letter combinations. Each letter of the alphabet is featured in its own lesson, and lessons build on one another systematically. By lesson 9, children are able to read their first book.
Each lesson ends with a book that matches your child’s current reading ability, providing them with the thrill of reading on their own.
Reading Eggs WORKS, if you don’t believe me, check out this research that was done on how children have improved their reading level after using the program.
I don’t have a screenshot of my sons placement test, but I remember the results. We started with Reading Eggs last winter, right before Christmas. We had spent TONS of time on multiple programs, and again, they would work, and then he would hit a wall. Nothing would stick.
He tested 4.5 years old. He was 7. Now, he has learning struggles, including Dyslexia. And, I wasn’t worried about where he placed. I only share that because I want you to see where he places now. After less than a year with the program. His retention rate is a LOT better, and he is now able to read level 2 reading books from the library (think Dr. Seuss, or Kate and Cocoa books).
What we LOVE About Reading Eggs
So, research shows Reading Eggs works, you can see how my son’s reading level has grown while using the program. But, do the kids actually like it? Do I actually like using it? Yes! Here are a few reasons why I love Reading Eggs.
- Online learning– My son has ADHD. He does not do well with sitting still and using workbooks or textbooks. He loves online resources, games, things that move as fast as his mind does. So, an online reading program works perfectly for him.
- They also offer workbooks– Yep, I am a workbook momma. And, even though my son isn’t, we still use them in some capacity. Reading Eggs takes the online lessons and also offers a workbook format for continued learning. This is perfect for homeschool families and is a great way to save progress for portfolios and assessments if your state requires them.
- It is actually fun!– My son LOVES Reading Eggs and looks forward to it every day. He is not only learning and growing but he is also having fun. Which is what I want school to be for him.
- He can work at his own pace. – Reading Eggs offers so many different things in one program. Spelling, comprehension, phonics, sight words, vocabulary, and more. We have moved VERY slowly in spelling because of his dyslexia, and I love that we can keep moving ahead in the other areas while taking our time in some of the others.
Now, let’s take a look into what Reading Eggs looks like in action, and hear from my son himself as to what he loves about Reading Eggs.
How Reading Eggs Meets the Needs of Struggling Learners
Reading Eggs addresses this question themselves on their website,
Some children don’t enjoy reading because of early failures, while other children struggle to retain the many skills and concepts needed to become successful readers. Working on a computer or tablet device is a great way for children to build skills. They can progress at their own rate and if they are having problems, lessons can be repeated as many times as they want. The program has been successful for children with learning difficulties, autistic spectrum disorder and other struggling readers.
For children with reading difficulties, repetition is one of the keys to success, and the Reading Eggs games and activities are fun to do, so children will enjoy repeating them.
In our experience, and as evidenced above in my son’s growth, this is a great program for struggling readers. We tried other online programs, including those designed for kids with Dyslexia, and my son showed the most growth, the most confidence, and belief in his ability, after using Reading Eggs.
It really, truly is an amazing program! And, you can try it for four weeks absolutely free! Click the photo below or this link and sign up for your free trial today.