My first day of school this year was rough. Very rough! However, I made the decision that day to let the phrase choose joy be my “mantra” for the year. Meaning that every day, no matter how rough things may go, I am going to choose joy.
Since then, you all have cheered me on on social media. You have sent me gifts, encouraging emails, and shared your own stories about choosing joy. I have been humbled by the outpouring of support and love.
I have also found that once we make the choice to be joyful, once we make the choice to choose well, the devil will fight us. Anger will want to take over, life may get stressful, and things may not go our way. However, we can still make the choice to choose joy.
Why would we want to choose joy? Because WE set the tone for our homes. As mothers it is up to US to choose joy. If we don’t, then our families will suffer, and our days will be long-and discouraging. My daughter reminded me of this the other day when she wrote me this note. It was a great reminder that there are little eyes watching us all the time and that each and every day we have a choice to make. I don’t know about you, but I want to choose well. I want to choose joy.
So, for the rest of this year, I am encouraging you to join me and let the phrase choose joy be the theme for your homes!
On the third Friday of every month I am going to post a video on Facebook with an encouraging word-and a choose joy challenge for the month. The challenges will be simple, and will be relevant to moms in all walks of life.
Once I have shared the challenge it is up to YOU to implement it. I will be joining in as well, and will share how I did the following Friday and on social media throughout the week using the hashtag #choosejoychallenge .
My prayers is that through this challenge we will grow closer in the Lord, and that we will encourage and uplift each other on our journey’s in choosing joy. I also pray that through this challenge the tones in our home will improve, which in turn will improve our relationships with our children and our spouse.
So, are you in? Do you want to choose joy with me this year? Then join the #choosejoychallenge!
Here’s How to Join
- Follow me on Facebook! I will be sharing the #choosejoychallenge video there, it will be pinned to the top of my page. I will also be sharing encouragement and progress throughout the week. The videos will also be available on my You Tube Channel.
- Don’t have Facebook? Then subscribe to my newsletter. I will be sharing the challenge in my weekly newsletter that goes out every Friday.
- Use the hashtag #choosejoychallenge to follow along on social media, and to share YOUR stories with choosing joy!
- New to the challenge? Check out all previous challenge posts here.
Thanks! And I will “see” you soon 🙂
PS: Want your own Choose Joy shirt? Go here!