As a self proclaimed “non crafty” mom, I never thought I would become a fan of lapbooks. To me they seemed like something that requires a love of mess, talent, and patience. None of which I have 🙂 . However, my girls like them, and because of that I have slowly become a fan of them as well.
Most recently we completed an awesome lapbook from Home School in the Woods. The topic? The election process. I had thought about putting this topic off because quite frankly I don’t know a lot about the process myself. But, I quickly realized that with this lapbook I was at an advantage. I could teach my children about the election process while learning more about it myself.
If you have been considering a study on the election process now is the time! I don’t know if you know this or not 😉 but we are in an election year. This means the radio, the TV, and many group events are going to be bombarded with talk of the election. Who are you voting for? What are the issues? Did you see the new campaign ad? These questions are going to be heard time and time again by your children. Wouldn’t it be nice if they knew what this meant? For them? For our country? What better time than NOW to learn about the election process? And this lapbook by Home School in the Woods is a great way for you and your children to learn together.
3 Things You Need to Know Before You Purchase
It is thorough
When you purchase this lapbook you will receive a cd or download full of the information needed to teach your children about the election process. Resources include information about the electoral college, the voting process, the history of elections, Super Tuesday, the political parties and much more. I learned quite a bit of information that I never knew, and my children walked away able to carry on a conversation with others about why they should vote, who they should vote for, and why elections matter.
It is fun
My girls really enjoyed this lapbook and loved how interactive many of the “lessons” were. They were able to color the day’s lesson while listening to the text on audio. They enjoyed reading through the lesson and filling in the answers. They loved assembling the pockets, and creating the interactive displays for their lapbooks. They had fun while learning and isn’t that something that we ALL want for our children?
It is work
While this lapbook is fun and thorough it is also work. Lapbooks require time, ink and patience. While my kids have this, I lack it sometimes 😉 Because of this we spread the lapbook out a little bit longer. I suggest doing 2 sections a day max. This makes the work load less on the kids and you, and will make the project take about a month more or less.