I was twenty years old, and had no clue what I was doing. I had the dress, the shoes, the date, but had no idea really who I was marrying. Eight months of dating wasn’t long, and I wondered what I was getting myself into. What I did know was that I loved this man, and that was really all that mattered right?
Fast forward thirteen years, three kids and a lifetime of trials and struggles and I still love that man. I have learned a lot in the time we have been married and am still learning as I go. Marriage is a struggle, it is a journey, and throughout it we have a choice to make.
As moms we know that each day we have to get up and care for our children. We have to choose joy in the everyday messy moments. We have to work, keep the house, educate the kids, and do all the tasks that come along with our home.
But, we also make a choice when it comes to our marriages. Believe it or not our husbands have doubts just like we do. They have needs just like our kids do. And, I don’t know about you, but too often my husband gets put on the back burner.
So, what can we do about this? In honor of my thirteenth wedding anniversary I want to share thirteen ways that you can choose your spouse.
- Make time
- Say I Love You
- Respect him
- Submit-Yes, I said the S word
- Talk kindly of him
- Share notes of encouragement
- Send texts only his eyes should see
- Show your appreciation
- Encourage intimacy
- Make a favorite treat just because
- Wait on him, because you WANT to
- Bite your tongue
- Say thank you
Some of these I do regularly, others… not so much, but I am going to strive to do better because I believe my husband is worth it.
Marriage is a choice. A choice to stick with it through thick and thin. Through the ups and downs. Through the good times and the bad. When the rubber hits the road we need strong marriages to get through. Marriage in this country is under attack and each and every day we need to wake up and CHOOSE our spouses.
So, now, 13 years later I still have a choice to make, and I choose him!
What ways can you choose your spouse all over again? Share your thoughts and ideas below!
Misty says
Yes, I totally agree!
Michelle Caskey says
Excellent suggestions. Yes, even #4. It doesn’t come naturally and I often fail at it, but my attempting to submit has made all the difference. My husband and I have been married 18 1/2 years (doesn’t even seem possible) and the more you can BOTH put your spouse’s needs before your own, the happier your marriage will be.