Homeschooling is about so much more than educating our children. God has used homeschooling to teach me. Here is what I’ve learned from homeschooling.
Homeschooling is about so much more than educating our children. I think if you did a poll of homeschool moms, you would be hard-pressed to find one who has not learned something about herself while homeschooling her children. For me, I truly believe God has used homeschooling to shape my character over the past 5 years. Here are some qualities I’ve learned from homeschooling.
To be more patient
I am NOT the most patient person, at all. But, homeschooling has helped me with that. Patience is something that most moms struggle with. Homeschooling moms are no different. However, I have learned to embrace delays in my day, and have come to consider them learning opportunities. For either me or my children. Spilled milk becomes a lesson in cleaning up messes. Hitting traffic when we’re running late is a reminder that we need to get out the door a little earlier next time.
To be content
As a homeschool family, money is tight. While I do work from home, we also gave up a decent income when I quit teaching preschool to focus on homeschooling full time. I have learned a lot about contentment these past few years. We have traded newer cars, for good used ones. We have traded nice clothes from name brand stores, for yard sale finds. We have learned to use what we have in our homeschool and be content with that. I have learned to find contentment in our small home instead of pining for a dream home that we can’t afford.
To give of myself
I understand so much more now about what it means to give up things we want. Homeschool moms never get a break. EVER. I never understood this. Most homeschool moms give up sleep, to grade papers and lesson plan. They give up money, to stay home and educate their children. They forfeit their freedom because their kids don’t get on that big yellow school bus. Now, I understand that we chose this and I wouldn’t trade it for the world, but as a homeschool mom, I think I understand a little more about what it means to give of myself then I did before.
To embrace imperfection
I was a little OCD about a clean house when I first became a mom. I wanted things to look “perfect” all the time. I dressed my girls in nice clothes, with bows to match, and they always looked “perfect”. Our home was neat, our flowerbeds weeded, and my car clean. Now, as a homeschool mom of 3, I have learned to embrace imperfection. It is okay to have fingerprints on the walls, mirrors, and tv. It is okay to pop in a frozen meal every now and then. It is okay to go to Walmart in play clothes with a little bit of dirt on my boy’s cheeks. My van is dirty, full of crumbs, and dust, but that is okay. Perfection isn’t worth the effort, or the stress. I’d much rather be an imperfect mama who loves what she does, then a perfect one who is always snapping and yelling to obtain what same may deem “perfect”.
A love for learning
A love for learning that I never knew I could have. I literally LOVE to learn along with my kids. I never used to like school, but now? It is exciting. We have been using Mystery of History and there is so much that I didn’t know about. I also love learning with my kids in Apologia Science. As a public school graduate, creationism has been an exciting thing to learn for the first time.
Homeschooling has been an awesome journey and one that I am so blessed to be taking. Learning along with my children has been something I couldn’t imagine missing. If you’re new to homeschooling be prepared to learn some hard lessons about yourself. If you’ve been on the journey for a while what is one thing you’ve learned from homeschooling?
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Thank you! It is a wonderful choice for sure! Good luck 🙂
This is so timely, my daughter is 2 years but i am looking to start homeschooling when she turns 4 and have been looking int various resources so its great to see things you have learned and especially how it has built you as well
Yes! Love this! Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Yes! I love that about homeschooling. It breaks us and makes us realize how much we NEED Him!
I totally agree with all 5 of your points! I find that I have grown in all these areas as well since homeschooling. It’s amazing how being home with your kids 24/7 can help you to see your own areas of weakness and force you to grow in Christ.
I can say this to another homeschooling mom without fear of being misunderstood: Even if my children weren’t grasping all that they should, I NEED THIS! I am amazed at how much the Lord has used this lifestyle to instill and grow so many of these character qualities in me.
Thanks for stopping by!!
I’m your neighbor at Raising Homemakers today…great post! I homeschooled a couple of years with my youngest…several years ago 🙂 Fond memories and I relate to your list in many ways! Blessings.
Yes, He does!
Yes! I think a lot of it comes with experience and HAVING to just relax. We would drive ourselves crazy if we didn’t learn our lessons 😉 Thanks for stopping by!
#3!!! I had no clue how much I would learn about giving of myself, and I’m still learning a lot. It’s still hard, but with a long road ahead of us (18ish more years), I’m learning to take it in stride.
YES! #1,3,4 & 5 are all things I’ve learned while homeschooling (I learned #2 much earlier due to life circumstances). Great post! God fills in the cracks where we fall short!