One of the biggest things I hear when I talk about homeschooling with other Christian parents is that their kids go to school to be the salt and the light. I have heard that our local public school would be a better place if I let my kids go there because they could be a light in a dark place. Both make me want to vomit.
Because it’s not my child’s job to be the salt and the light.
The other day we were doing our daily bible study and we came across the verse where Jesus was choosing His disciples and he said to them, “Come and Follow Me” (Matthew 4:19). Recently, my teenage daughter, had a friend tell her that she was glad she wasn’t homeschooled because she was able to witness to kids at school. The same week she was discussing ministering to young kids at a bible camp she is working at this summer in a leadership training. She was told at that meeting that she was not going to be as equipped to answer some questions from kids because she hadn’t “experienced” things because she was homeschooled.
I found this verse to be the perfect time to explain to my CHILD that it is not their job to be the salt and the light.
References and Additional Resources
- Shouldn’t Christian Children be the Salt and Light
- Indoctrination, the Movie
- Salt and Light: A Valid Argument or a Misuse of Scripture?
- Why I Don’t Send My Kids to School as Missionaries
- Full Blog Post