This bible curriculum is different than a lot of the other ones out there. It’s designed for the whole family to use together, yet each child can and WILL be challenged at their age level.
Over the past few years, we have tried numerous homeschool curriculum. Some worked, some didn’t. Some, we have found and fallen in love with. At the start of the new year, I felt we were on the good solid ground in the curriculum department. Except for one subject.
BIBLE. We tried a few different things through the years and they were okay, but not exactly what I was looking for. I wanted a program that all three kids could use. I wanted one that would challenge my older kids, yet let my youngest tag along. But, I couldn’t quite find it.
So, I reached out to Notgrass, because I had seen their bible curriculum online, but hadn’t actually heard of anyone who used and loved it. We LOVE their history, so I was hoping we would LOVE their bible curriculum as well.
And, we do!
Notgrass’ bible curriculum is different than a lot of the other ones out there. It’s designed for the whole family to use together, yet each child can and WILL be challenged at their age level. How do they do it?
Through drawing, and imagination.
Draw to Learn is a homeschool art curriculum and Bible study series for all ages. It helps children internalize truths from God’s Word while giving them guidance in drawing a wide variety of pictures. The student reads a passage from his own Bible, thinks about the meaning, and then draws a picture related to the passage.
How it Works
The program can be used at your own pace, which I like. I don’t feel like I’m behind on anything or that it is something else added to my day. Bible time has always been a part of our morning, we now use Notgrass in place of our normal scripture reading or devotion.
Here’s how we use Draw to Learn: Bible
Day 1: We read the scripture reading for the day. We discuss it and go over any questions the kids may have. Some days we dive deeper into the story. Some days we don’t. The kids then have some time to draw out what they learned.
Day 2: The kids work independently on their drawings. They finish them if they didn’t the day before, and illustrate them as well.
What Does Draw to Learn Bible Series Cover?
Notgrass offers a variety of different bible topics in this series. We have Psalms and Life of Jesus. They also offer Acts, Proverbs and the Life of Paul.
The scripture reading each day varies. Some days it is a few verses. Others it can be a whole chapter. The curriculum brings up topics and challenges the kids in ways that I couldn’t. It also presents questions I had never thought of before.
For example, in one lesson from the Psalm book it asked us to read Psalm 10. The drawing prompt that day was to think of the words See, Consider, Encourage and Listen. The guide was for the kids to think about advertisements and communication. They were then supposed to make an advertisement using these words as a reminder to pay attention to the people in the world who are hurting.
What an amazing character lesson that was for all of us!
Another lesson from the Life of Jesus asked the kids to read Luke 6:12-16. They were to draw the 12 apostles and then think about their personalities. What were the lives of the apostles like before they were called and then after? It then asked them which apostle they were most like. This was a lesson that really had the kids dive into studying the apostles.
How Can ALL Ages Learn from This Program?
I’ll be honest, I was a little concerned with whether or not the boy would be able to follow along with the girls in this study but he did and he really enjoyed it. For him, we are just using printer paper, not the ebook because some days he doesn’t want to draw and others he does.
Here are a few of his favorite lessons so far.
For the girls, it is just challenging enough. They really have to think about the questions Charlene asks, and it has challenged them to think deeper about the people IN the bible, and how they may have felt. I have also really enjoyed seeing their character develop as we have gone through the program.
A Few Other Great Things About Draw to Learn
There are a few other areas regarding the Draw to Learn series that I think should be pointed out.
Unit Study approach
Draw to Learn is a great bible curriculum, but Charlene Notgrass also gives suggestions to expand the study into a deeper unit study. This means the family can continue their learning as they dive into Science, Writing, History and more with the Bible as their main textbook.
Bible and Art
Draw to learn is a bible AND art curriculum. We have used mostly the sketch and color approach, but there are suggestions and tips to truly make this a great art study as well. All three of my kids have greatly improved in their drawing ability thanks to this program.
PDF OR Digital
The Draw to Learn Bible series is offered in book or PDF format. This means that if you have a large family you can purchase the PDF and print off as many copies as you need for YOUR family. Th ebook option is very nice as the binding is spiral and the kids can open and go each day. You don’t have to print or find a way to store the papers. Choose the option that will work best for your family.
If you have been looking for a solid bible curriculum, I truly recommend Notgrass’ Draw to Learn series. It is a great bible and art curriculum that the whole family will enjoy and learn with. But, more importantly through the program, they will learn more about Christ, and His love for us.
Notgrass has a Bible curriculum!? Cool! This looks wonderful!