I have a homeschool confession to make. It may be a shocker, but it is one I must share. You ready? Here it goes…..I don’t plan ahead in our homeschool. Yes, I’m serious. I have a Well Planned Day Planner-that I LOVE ( I broke up with the Well Planned Day, see why here) . […]
Three Challenges You Face by Working from Home!
As I shared before, I have worked from home since May of 2005. My job has gone from a childcare provider, to a free lancer and while they are very different, they still provide many of the same challenges. If you are a stay at home mom looking to make some extra money by working […]
My Top 3 Curriculum Choices
One of biggest struggles homeschool parents have is over curriculum. Think about it, every spring you see catalogs upon catalogs of curriculum come through your mailbox. There are homeschool conventions and curriculum fairs every weekend across the United States. And, when you’re a homeschool newbie, one piece of advice you get from veterans is to […]
Our Homeschool Room and Organization
I love checking out others homeschool rooms! While I know no one needs a room just for homeschooling, we all have some sort of “space” we use for our homeschool. We have been in our homeschool room for 3 years. The room is small by some standards, so organization has helped us a lot! It […]
Homeschooling, the good, the bad and the ugly
The biggest lesson I have learned is that homeschooling is not easy. There are good and bad things about homeschooling, just like with any form of education. It is a hard choice, and it is not for everyone. I have been homeschooling for over four years. Now, that is not a lot compared to some, […]