So, you are thinking about homeschooling? Great! Homeschooling is a wonderful choice and has many great qualities. However, there are a few things you need to know before you homeschool.
Homeschooling is NOT a FIX ALL Answer
Homeschooling is a wonderful education choice. It is a great way to for our children to get a one on one education. We are able to tailor our children’s lessons to their learning styles. We are able to educate them in a safe environment. We are able to do so much that the schools can’t.
But, homeschooling is not a fix all answer.
You Will NEED Homeschool Friends
This one surprised me quite a bit. I didn’t realize how much my friendships would change, and how much I would NEED friends who also homeschooled. Homeschooling can be lonely for a mom just starting out and having someone who understands the challenges of homeschooling, but that can also encourage you to keep going on your homeschool journey is SO important! Head over here to learn more about homeschool mom friendship.
Your Kids are Not the Only Ones Learning
Homeschooling is all about teaching the kids right? No! Well, yes. BUT you will be learning too. Homeschooling has taught me so much about myself. It has broken me, and built me back up. It has made me realize how much I need the Lord, and how little I actually learned in school… Here are three things I learned as a homeschool parent.
Telling others is NOT Easy
Telling friends and family you are homeschooling is NOT easy. Sharing the news with others cements your decision; it makes it more real, and the thought of that may be scary. Telling others you’re homeschooling will get easier as time goes on. But, when you are first starting out there are a few things NOT to do when telling others you plan on homeschooling.
There Will Be UGLY Days
I was surprised that homeschooling was HARD. I mean, I thought it’d be pretty simple. Set up our days like the school, teach a few lessons, do a craft, easy peasy right? WRONG! Homeschooling has given us SO many good days, but there are also many, many, ugly days in our homeschool history. Days where I cried. Days where the kids cried. Days where I wanted to throw in the towel. People don’t talk about those days as much, but they happen, and you need to know it before you begin homeschooling.
Homeschooling has been a huge blessing for our family. Homeschooling has allowed me to watch my boy be a BOY who loves to fidget, and learn while moving, and engage with others without trying to fit into a cookie cutter mold at the local public school. Homeschooling has allowed me to watch my girls blossom into beautiful young ladies who love the Lord, and love to learn. And that fruit I have seen from them through the years has been worth every tear, every bad day, and every doubt that I have ever had about homeschooling.
Is homeschooling hard? Yes. Is it easy? No. Is it worth it? ABSOLUTELY!
And here’s a bonus tip that you all need to know 😉
Want more information about getting started homeschooling? Check out my book Homeschool 101!
Every word is a true story! 🙂 Thank you for sharing this, as it’s worth passing along.