How many times does something in your day distract you or your kids and lead you all away from school? Do you long for a more consistent homeschool? I am sharing some tips and encouragement to help you be more consistent in homeschooling.
As I recorded I was a few weeks into our school year. Chances are you all are a few months in by now. And, how many days have you missed already due to over-scheduled days, or unplanned circumstances? How many times does something in your day distract you or your kids and lead you all away from school? I guarantee you it has happened to every single person listening to this episode at least once. Guarantee it!
I decided to take a look before this episode at our homeschool group event calendar. And, in the first three months of school, there are 15 events scheduled. FIFTEEN. They are all good things. Co-op classes, a picnic, kayaking day, a field trip to the zoo, a field trip to Cosi, a local theatre performance, a field trip to a farm and the fire department, plus other events as well.
All great things. But, also disruptions to our school schedule. There are also other things. The everyday distractions.
We are tackling how to overcome these distractions and be more consistent in homeschooling. You can do this! Believe me!
Be sure to listen to the whole episode. This is just a small snippet of our conversation.
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Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Podcast sponsor, Teaching Textbooks
- How to Be More in Consistent in Your Homeschool Blog Post
- Homeschool planning packet
- 5 Simple Steps to Schedule Your Homeschool Day
- 100 non-fiction books for your homeschool
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