A biblical worldview is important! More important than I realized when I first began homeschooling. I am chatting about this with Davis Carman from Apologia ministries. This is a must listen to episode!

Hello everyone and welcome to episode 63 of the Joyfully Homeschooling podcast. Today we are chatting with Davis Carman the President of Apologia Educational Ministries. Apologia is the #1 publisher of creation-based science and Bible curricula with over 70 #1 awards. He believes in homeschooling, believes in defending the Christian Faith, and believe that every subject (and I mean every subject) should be taught from a biblical worldview. That is why his mission, and the mission of Apologia, is to help homeschooling families learn, live, and defend the Christian Faith.
I met Davis a few years ago at a homeschool blogger conference called 2:1. I mention that briefly in the podcast episode. I wanted to chat with Davis about biblical worldview and Christian curriculum because I have had a major mind shift on this topic since I first began homeschooling. When we first began homeschooling I never considered whether or not a curriculum (outside of science) should be “Christian”. In my mind, the only thing that would maybe not line up with God’s word would be the whole creation/evolution debate. But then, the longer I began homeschooling, the more I began to realize how much God had been taken out of everything I learned as a child, and I began to appreciate how important a biblical worldview is.
In this episode we chat about this, the mission of Apologia, homeschooling, and SO much more.
Be sure to listen to the whole episode. This is just a small snippet of our conversation.
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Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Podcast Sponsor Apologia
- Biblical Worldview Post from my Blog
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I haven’t, but I can definitely put him on my contact list.
Have you interviewed Kevin Swanson (he’s with Generations)? He seems very passionate about this topic.