*This post is one in a series on homeschool methods. Scroll to the bottom to see links to the other posts in the series. *
My method of homeschooling can be summed up as “relaxed eclectic”. This is a natural fit for me as I like being a bit of a free-spirit with creating my curriculum as I go. This doesn’t mean I don’t use textbooks or follow directions…I just don’t do it all the time.
A typical day for us last year involved the boys following their own daily plan. I say that loosely. I created a Master List of things they needed to schedule in the homemade student planners that I made for them.
I loved that this gave them some responsibility and practice with scheduling. They knew what needed to be done for the week, it was up to them to fit it into individual days.
Some of the curriculum we used last year that we will continue using this year was (afflink) Life of Fred, Saxon Math, Learn Math Fast, a Handwriting workbook, the boys also did some science and grammar with an online curriculum provider.
Being that we are eclectic pretty much sums up that we work with a mix of things. My philosophy and method of homeschooling involves using what we have. I don’t have an endless budget to try a lot of different things to find what “really” works for us so we learn to try to make what we have work for us. I’ve shared a lot about our homeschooling journey over the years.
This year I’m planning to vlog on Youtube every week through our homeschool year! You’ll get a much better idea of how I homeschool eclectically if you follow along. You can find out more about that at this link.
Bio: Tracy Zdelar is a wife, homeschooling mom and Ohio family-fun “specialist”. You can learn more about what she does online at her blog halloffamemoms.com.
Want to learn more about homeschool methods? Take a look at the other posts in this series.
- A Day in the Life of an Extra-Large Relaxed Homeschooling Family
- Real Life Homeschooling~Our Homeschool Methods
- A Day in the Life of a Charlotte Mason Homeschool
- Creative Learning- A Waldorf-Inspired Day in the Life
- A Day in the Life~A Peek into an Eclectic Homeschool
- A Day in the Life~A Middle Road