Connect your kids with history using this heroes of history bundle for your morning basket. Let’s take a look at some of the amazing resources you can use to connect the history your kids are learning about to some amazing heroes of history from the same time period.
Morning time is a huge part of our homeschool day. It really brings our family so much joy and is one thing we make time for each and every day. Even field trips or co-op days! This year we have been focusing on American History with all three kids. They are all studying different things on their own, but morning time has been a way we can come together and focus on American History together. One way we have been doing this is by reading stories of great American heroes. We plan on continuing this routine next year as we all study world history.
We have had such a great time learning about these amazing historical figures, so I was super excited to join along with Sonlight’s 30th anniversary and offer you all a chance for a fun giveaway that will allow someone else to win a great collection of heroes of history. But, before we dive into the giveaway I want to share with you all three reasons for you to make heroes of history a part of your morning basket.
Introduce your Kids to Amazing Historical Figures
Reading real books with your kids helps to bring history alive. By listening to stories from heroes of history they will be introduced to endearing, warm, noble characters of history, they learn to love the stories of these people and desire to know and read more. For example, if you are learning about the Underground Railroad and the Civil War in your homeschool lessons, you can add on real stories from this time period to your morning time.
By doing this, you are introducing children to the times, the setting, the year, the place, the smell, and making them familiar with real characters. My kids loved to learn about Harriet Tubman, her life, the real journey she took on the underground railroad and were rooting for her from beginning to end. The story of her made that time period of history more real. They had a connection with her. And THAT is what we want our kids to remember from History. the people behind the stories
Great Connection Resource for Your kids
How many of us remember what we learned in our history class? For many, it was mostly a jumble of names and dates attached to events long over with and people long dead. What was the point of learning it at all?
By sharing heroes of history with our kids, we can help them to remember history: the stories, the joys, the injustice, and the heroes- that can be a model for our kids. We are connecting them with real people from the time period they are learning about. That connection will stay with them for the rest of their school days.
We began following this model, of reading stories about people in the time period we were learning about last year. I have realized now, after two years of doing this, that the knowledge my kids have gained from focusing on real living books during morning time, they will keep forever. That is not something I take lightly. What we read with our kid’s matter.
Reading Aloud is Just Plain FUN
We LOVE to read! One way we have spent time enjoying good books is by reading aloud. This is a fun thing to do during the morning time.
As my kids have gotten older we have focused on other themes as well. For example, my oldest is fascinated with missionaries and is praying for direction in where God is calling her. As a family, I wanted to spend time reading strong stories of missionaries and strong men and women of God, and how they overcame struggles that came their way.
History is more than just the living record of nations, leaders, and wars. It’s also the story of us. It’s packed with real stories from heroes who stood up for what they believed in, died for the freedom of others, or worked hard to make their dreams come true. These are all concepts our kids can relate to, and it is encouraging for them to hear these tales from people like Mother Teresa, Martin Luther, The Wright Brothers, Pocahontas, and so many more.
What is included in the History of Heroes bundle?
Let’s take a look at some of the amazing resources you can use to connect the history your kids are learning about to some amazing heroes of history from the same time period.
- These are books that make will have your kids asking to read “just one more chapter… please!”
- The ideas and stories from these books will stay in the mind of you and your children long after you have finished reading.
- These are books that will make an impact.
- The books in this collection will change how you and your kids think about yourselves and others.
- These are books that change who we are and who we want to become.
- The goal behind these books are to fill your child’s mind and heart with facts and information that will last a lifetime.
The goal of Sonlight is to provide children with books that they will think over, discuss, act out in play, and carry with them all of their days.
A list of the books included in this history bundle
- Freedom Train: The Story of Harriet Tubman–The fascinating biography of Harriet Tubman, a black woman who risked her life helping other slaves reach freedom on the Underground Railroad.
- Archimedes and the Door of Science–A delightful biography of Archimedes, the Greek mathematician who made a number of wonderful discoveries—or proved their practical application.
- One Voice: The Story of William Wilberforce–Biography in verse of the man who, despite all obstacles, fought to end the Slave Trade in Great Britain. A powerful story of tenacity and courage.
- The Monk Who Shook the World–Get to know Martin Luther through this biography. You’ll meet him as he grows up and follows him as he leads the Reformation
- Michelangelo–Multiple award-winning accounts of Michelangelo’s life and achievements. Includes large, full-color illustrations of Michelangelo’s paintings and sculptures.
- Peter the Great–Gorgeous, full-color biography of the great Russian tsar, Peter the Great.
- Great Inventors and Inventions Coloring Book–From Johannes Gutenberg’s fifteenth-century printing press to Charles Hard Townes’ relatively recent development of the laser, this fascinating coloring book encompasses five centuries of technology.
- Pocahontas and the Strangers– The familiar story of a young Indian girl who saved the life of John Smith, an early American frontiersman.
- The Wright Brothers: Pioneers of American Aviation–A delightful account of the exploits, the family life, and the character of the two bike builders who are generally credited with having been the first to engage in powered flight.
- George Washington Carver: From Slave to Scientist–George Washington Carver, once a kidnapped enslaved child, overcame significant obstacles to become an outstanding scientist.
- Helen Keller–The biography of Helen Keller, a blind and deaf girl who overcame her limitations through courage and the firm love of a caring teacher.
- Teresa of Calcutta: Serving the Poorest of the Poor- The inspiring and challenging story of Mother Teresa who, for more than 40 years sought to be “the arms of Christ” to the poorest of the poor in the slums of Calcutta.
So, are you ready to connect your kids with some powerful stories from heroes of history? Sonlight is celebrating 30 years of connecting families and helping kids to love learning. In celebration of this milestone, they are offering some amazing giveaways. You can enter to win this bundle below!
Related posts:
- Why Morning Time is our Favorite Part of the Day
- Raising a Reader with Sonlight founder Sarita Holzmann