Are you looking for a high school writing program? Check out WriteShop I. This program is perfect for the busy homeschool mom, and my high schooler loved it!
As a homeschool mom, I LOVE seeing my kids find their passion. There is something about seeing their eyes light up when they not only find their gift but realize they are actually GOOD at it. It is like they are coming into themselves and recognizing their gifts, their talents, and their purpose.
It is a BEAUTIFUL thing!
I recently experienced this with my high schooler. She has always been a book lover and has enjoyed creating her own stories. But, she never quite finished any of the ones she started. She wanted to but struggled with finding her voice. I saw this struggle entangle her this school year, and really wanted to help her find a solution. She was unhappy with our chosen writing program and wanted more. As we sat down to talk about what we could do, she specifically asked me, “Do you think we could try WriteShop again?”
I received WriteShopI for free. I was compensated for my time writing this review, however, all thoughts and opinions are my own (and my daughters). We were NOT required to write a positive review.
Hmm, well, sure? We had used WriteShop years ago in elementary school (see our past posts here), we had used it with my son, but I hadn’t thought about using it for high school. I am honestly not sure why, but I just hadn’t. However, my oldest remembered how much she enjoyed, and wanted that love for writing back. So, I obliged.
This WriteShop I review post is written by my daughter. It is her own words and thoughts on the program. I will dive in with my thoughts at the end, but I wanted to give you all the opportunity to hear about this high school writing program straight from my high schooler herself. We did receive the video option from WriteShop. I chose this option because I am a working homeschool mom with a special needs son, and like to take the teaching off my plate as much as possible for my high schooler.
A High Schooler’s Thoughts on WriteShop
So, this year I tried a new program for my writing which I am LOVING so far. It’s perfect for weeks when I’m not doing anything except my school, or when we leave the house every day. I’ve been homeschooled for as long as I can remember, and while I love writing, some programs are stressful. This year I started off with a program like that, but I didn’t enjoy it much. It was way too stressful. So I decided to switch to WriteShop I.
My family first used WriteShop with the WriteShop Junior program when I was in fifth grade. We used it for a year then switched to a different curriculum. This school year, my 9th-grade year, I started out with an English program that didn’t have any structure. It gave you an essay to write in a week and that was it. Midway through the year, I returned to WriteShop.
It’s so much more relaxed than other curricula that I’ve used! It is very straightforward in the instructions and allows time for me to be certain that I put my best work into the daily activities. The program encourages me to be creative in my efforts and to realize that I am a writer. I think that anyone would enjoy it, whether they despised writing or truly enjoy it.
What I Like About WriteShop
I really like the way it is set up. At the beginning of a unit, the program will offer a video explaining what needs to be done. After you watch the video for the unit, the program is made to ensure that you have enough time to fully consider what you want to say and make your point clear. The program is made so that I can independently use it, and my mom really likes that she doesn’t have to make sure I do my work.
Another part of the curriculum I enjoy is that there is a thesaurus in the back. It has different categories for a wide variety of words. Such as colors. It has the heading then various colors and words to be more descriptive. The program encourages students to be diverse in the way they write. They inspire new ways of expressing themselves and ensure that the reader knows what the writer means.
How WriteShop is Different from other High School Writing Programs
My last program required too much of me. They expected me to be able to pull an assignment out of thin air, and that simply does not happen. WriteShop I, as I said earlier, gives me the chance to take my time while doing the assignment. It doesn’t force me to come up with a paper out of nowhere and get an A+ on it. It allows me to take my time if that is what I need.
The program is completely self-sufficient. It is not necessary to buy anything other than the curriculum, no random textbooks that you were not aware were needed, which mom was very thankful for. It can be adjusted to suit the pace of any student that uses the course.
In conclusion, WriteShop I is the perfect solution for a variety of students. It suits the needs of the student who hates writing or the person who writes with a passion. I’ve learned a lot about ways to edit my papers and make my writing more descriptive. So I highly recommend it.
My Honest Thoughts on WriteShop I
My daughter has been using WriteShop I now for almost three months. I have seen her grow in her confidence, her word choice, organization in the layout of her stories, and she has actually FINISHED two stories! That is HUGE for her.
For me personally, I love how independent WriteShop I is when you use the video option. However, I want to be clear, that even with the video component there is work for mom involved in regards to checking that the work is complete, and grading the work. The teacher’s manual makes this step super easy. I feel that this is a nice combination of independent study and helpful guidance from mom. Which is the balance that I prefer.
At this point in time, we plan on continuing with WriteShop for the long haul. She is SO content and happy with this choice and I have loved the growth I have seen in her as a writer. So, thank you WriteShop for helping my daughter become a passionate writer full of confidence in her ability and thank you for helping her find her words.
Connect with WriteShop on Facebook and Instagram. Check out my other posts on WriteShop here, and my video review here.
And guess what? You can enter to win your own WriteShop bundle! Check out the giveaway below.
Thank you!!
Misty and daughter, this is a really great post. Of all of your words, the ones I noticed most were “and to realize that I’m a writer.” :). That’s awesome. Congratulations on finishing two stories!