To the homeschool mom still in school,
Here it is, June 1st. Public schools are letting out, your homeschool friends have already celebrated the end of their school year, and here you are. Still. In. School.
I get it. It stinks.
You see, we are trying year round school for the first time this year. Our last day of school would normally have been last Friday, but now… it is June 24th. And, I have to admit I’m a little jealous of all those moms who are DONE.
And maybe you are too! So, whether you are still in school because life got hectic this year, or because you are schooling year round, or because you just got behind, let me tell you, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
I’m right here with ya. Still. In. School.
So, I am going to share three things we can focus on while we finish out the final stretch of our school year.
No long summer gaps
One of the reasons we are schooling year round is to avoid the long gaps caused by summer break. Last fall we had to spend over a month catching up on Math. This year, we should be able to avoid that. If you are still in school, chances are you will be able to also.
We can beat the heat indoors while learning
Let’s face it, summer is HOT and often times it’s too hot to really enjoy it. We don’t have to worry about that since we are still in school. This year we took beautiful fall leave days, and gorgeous spring days after being cooped up for the winter. I’d rather spread our days out for a much-needed break through the year then spend it finding other (noneducational) ways to beat the heat.
No summer boredom
I’m bored will not be part of our kid’s daily vocabulary. They will be SO ready for their summer break and won’t have the long summer stretch that requires boredom busters. Have you seen the hundreds of pins on Pinterest telling you how to keep the kids learning, or how to beat the summer boredom, or how to make this the best summer ever? Well, we don’t have to worry about that, we are still learning, our kids aren’t bored, and the 4-6 weeks they may have off (instead of 10-12) will be the BEST summer ever, because we all will have truly earned it!
So, mom if you are still in school, remember you are not alone! Remember why you are still in school, it has a purpose. Don’t get downhearted, and remember that OUR summer vacation is right around the corner 🙂
When do you start summer vacation?
Psst: While you are on summer vacation be sure to ENJOY it and don’t do these few things okay? Thanks!
This is the first year we won’t be doing school in the summer. My oldest has graduated. My other child actually has a summer internship! I have no idea what I am going to do with myself. LOL.
Yes, I think the routine is what I miss most about the breaks. Things get all out of whack and then getting started back takes forever….. glad I’m not alone. Thanks for sharing how things work for you! Enjoy your break 🙂
Nope, you’re not! Those are why we are trying out YRhomeschooling, but the girls are saying they don’t want to next year. I like it, they don’t, hubby insists, so we will see who wins out 🙂
We homeschool year-round as well. I love all the breaks we can take throughout the school year and how we can enjoy the cooler weather when everyone else is back in school BUT it is a struggle to finish the year when everyone else seems to be finished and having fun! Good to hear I’m not alone.
We are taking our break now, but starting back on July 11th. We do (mostly) year round schooling with long holiday breaks and time off to deal with extended family needs. This year the girls will have the month of June off to do a 2 week drama camp and enjoy their Dad’s 2 week vacation. After the 4th of July holiday, they will be ready to return to routine, and so will I.