Homeschool regrets, we all have them right? I believe it heavily weighs us down as homeschool moms. And that is why I’m sharing my homeschool regret with you.
Homeschool regrets, we all have them right? Things we wished we would have done differently. Things we wish we hadn’t done at all.
It’s one thing that I believe heavily weighs us down as homeschool moms. And that is why I believe it is SO important to share our regrets. By sharing them we are acknowledging things we’d change. We are recognizing our imperfections. We are sharing our homeschool experience with other moms. And in doing this we can learn from one another.
So, what is my biggest homeschool regret?
NOT slowing down, and by doing that I PUSHED too much.
Be sure to listen to the whole episode. This is just a small snippet of the podcast. Or see the blog post this podcast episode on homeschool regret came from here.

So, what would I change if I had a do-over in our homeschool? Has homeschooling ruined my life? I am sharing that in the podcast episode.
Moms, if you are having regrets in your homeschool journey can I encourage you today? You can STOP the path you’re on. You can turn around and restart. There is no time like the present. And guess what? The world will NOT end. It will keep going, and with it may come a more joyful homeschool journey.
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Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Podcast season sponsor Notgrass History
- Podcast Season sponsor Write Shop
- Homeschool Regrets Blog Post
- Homeschooling out of Negligence
- Books for the Homeschool Mom
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