Are you homeschooling different personalities? We understand! Today we are talking all about homeschooling that child who is so different from your easier kiddos. You can do this!
In today’s episode, I am chatting with my good friend Davonne Parks about homeschooling different personalities. Do you have a child that makes homeschooling a tad more difficult than it was with your other kids? We have your back! We both have kids that have different personalities and have struggled with homeschooling. Today we are talking all about homeschooling that child who is so different from our easier firstborn kiddos.
Here are a few topics we discuss:
- What we learned from having children with different personalities
- How their homeschools look differently than our other kids.
- Why we need to embrace the differences in our kids
- How we embrace the differences in our kids
Quick takeaways if you are homeschooling a child with different personalities:
- Change your own expectations
- Stop worrying about what others think
- The only approval that ultimately matters is Gods
- Parenting is not a one size fits all approach. Neither is homeschooling.
- God created our kids to be who they are and sometimes their job is to teach us.
- God put that will in your kids, make the choice NOT to break it
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Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Podcast Sponsors Teaching Textbooks and Notgrass History
- Homeschool Regrets Episode
- Homeschooling with Apraxia
- Homeschooling with ADHD
- Follow Davonne on Instagram
- Davonne’s Store
- Davonne’s website
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