Checking in with all of you to see how everyone is doing while homeschooling through the pandemic. I am chatting a few things in this episode including:
- My Instagram COVID-19 diary
- What our current homeschool looks like
- How to help your public school friends who suddenly are “homeschooling” their kids and asking YOU for help
- How we can be the hands and feet of Jesus while also staying quarantined
- How to talk to our kids about disappointment, cancellation, fear and more
If you liked this episode be sure to leave a rating or review. These serve as a notice to iTunes that I’m not speaking to myself. Not sure how to leave a review? Here are instructions for iTunes and Stitcher users. Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Podcast Sponsor Bookshark
- My Instagram
- Should Christians Fear the Coronavirus podcast episode
- Heroes of History giveaway
- 100 Books for Kids
- 100 Non-Fiction Books for Kids
- Books for Homeschool Moms
- CNN10
- Anxiety Tool Kit from Raising Life-Long Learners