Have you ever struggled with having an imperfect homeschool? Do you long for homeschool perfection? Do you feel like you are not a “good” homeschool mom? Today I am reflecting on homeschooling, the good and the bad, and why it’s rarely perfect.
As I began to prep for this episode, I honestly wasn’t really sure what I wanted to talk about. It’s my typical start of summer, end of the school year podcast but with everything else going on I didn’t really know how I wanted to end the school year. I was honestly going to throw something together on summer and rest, but I wasn’t feeling it. You know? And I want these episodes to bring you all something. To have a purpose because I know you take time to listen, and I don’t want you to feel like you are wasting your time.
And then, literally, the day before I was supposed to record this episode. I received a comment on my blog that brought tears to my eyes, and I thought, God, THIS is what we need to talk about:
Marissa wrote,
I wanted to thank you for sharing this. You wouldn’t believe how few moms I know share the REAL parts of their lives. I’ve been surrounded by working moms and a couple homeschooling moms that all seem to have it together. It took years to catch glimpes of normal life out of them but it wasn’t something they were sharing. I have been open about my life/motherhood and the number one response I get: “I couldn’t do it!” I laughed after Covid shut everything down because all the working parents now home with their kids are just stunned and I’m laughing because yes, this is what its like! Welcome! It makes me feel less alone and this post did too. I know this was a handful of years ago but see, all this time later and its encouraging me!! Keep sharing your “faults” because they are a beacon to the rest of us that we are doing fine, are on par, and NOT ALONE!!! Once upon a time most moms were home so there was a community. Kids played together, we were all in the same boat. Nowadays, to be a stay at home mom let alone a homeschooler, most moms don’t compute it at all. It’s so amazing to hear from someone like me! I am not alone!!! Thank you. It gives me strength to keep on. Cheers!
Guys, that post was written in October of 2017 and is titled Our Imperfect Homeschool. I will leave a link in the show notes. But, I wanted to share with you all some of what was in that post, and how I and our homeschool is still just as imperfect today.
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Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Podcast Sponsor Minno
- Our Imperfect Homeschool Blog Post
- Great book by Jill Savage
- Follow Misty on Instagram
- Follow Misty on Facebook
- Subscribe for weekly encouragement emails AND a coupon to my store
Thank you, that means the world to me. I love hearing from moms like you, it is why I do what I do.
I just wanted to let you know that your podcast gives the encouragement and the hope i need to begin to homeschool. I constantly worry that if i pull my daughter out of school and homeschool her that i will ruin her chance of making friends and socializing. I worry that because i have to work outside the home that i will not be able to do it but with your encouragement and your “ real talk “ i am becoming more and more convinced that this is where God is directing.
So thank you for keeping it real and discussing the good and the bad.