In this episode, Kaleena and I chat homeschool joys, struggles, fears and more. She reminds us that we need to live life with our children and worry less about traditional academics and focus more on education in LIFE.

This week I am introducing some of you to Kaleena from 5Hour School Week. Kaleena was a request from a listener.
I had never heard of the five hour school week before, but, began looking into it after my listeners requested. Once I began looking into what it meant, I became enthralled in the lifestyle that Kaleena has built for her family. And I just know that you all will love her as well!
Kaleena Amuchastegui is A recovering workaholic turned author and stay at home mom. Kaleena walked away from her busy real estate business to step into a role she had never imagined…becoming a homeschool mama of 4 and creating the 5 Hour School Week! Her book The 5 Hour School Week An Inspirational Guide to Leaving the Classroom to Embrace Learning in a Way you Never Imagined has become an Amazon Best Seller and is inspiring parents around the world to live their very best life, with their children! You can follow The 5 Hour School Week and become part of the community at www.fivehourschoolweek.com, on Facebook and Instagram (5 Hour School Week).
In this episode, Kaleena and I chat homeschool joys, struggles, fears and more. I really enjoyed getting to know her and know why so many of YOU wanted her on the podcast. She reminds us that we need to live life with our children and worry less about traditional academics and focus more on education in LIFE. I know this episode will leave you all with the encouragement you need to have a more joyful homeschool.
Be sure to listen to the whole episode. This is just a small snippet of our conversation.
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Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Podcast sponsor, Apologia
- Kaleena’s website, The Five Hour School Week
- Kaleena’s book, The 5-Hour School Week: An Inspirational Guide to Leaving the Classroom to Embrace Learning in a Way You Never Imagined
- Follow Kaleena on Instagram
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- Joy in the Journey store