As we embark on our homeschool journey’s, many homeschool moms fool ourselves into believing things that quite frankly just aren’t true. Here are three lies homeschool moms believe that is just downright foolish.
Homeschool moms, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but some days YOU (and me) are a fool. You see, we believe the lies that the world tells us. We fool ourselves into believing things that quite frankly just aren’t true. And by fooling ourselves we are allowing the devil to steal our joy.
Here are three lies homeschool moms believe that are just downright foolish!
Everyone Else Has it All Together
You see the Facebook news stream of perfect photos, full of perfect families, and happy lives, and you just know that everyone else has it all together. But, guess what? They don’t! I love this post where on blogger quite frankly shares that Facebook is a liar. And we are fools to believe it.
The truth is we all struggle with something. You may see that our house is normally clean, but you don’t see the struggle I have with sitting down and enjoying play time with my children. You may see that the new mom in your homeschool group is able to complete all the projects in her curriculum, but you don’t see that she struggles with routine.
We all have struggles. So, let’s stop comparing ourselves to everyone else, and embrace the strengths and weaknesses we all have.
I CAN’T Do That
These four words are one of the lies that moms believe and they can be detrimental to a mom. We tell ourselves we can’t do that. We can’t homeschool. We can’t work from home. We can’t start that ministry, and we can’t keep up with our homemaking. We don’t believe in ourselves because we believe the lie of CAN’T. We believe we are just a mom, and not capable of fulfilling our other dreams and desires. In reality, we are capable. And God has a calling out there for each one of us and it is beautiful.
I’m a Horrible Mother
Those moments where you lose your cool, lash out or just have to run. Those days where the school gets put on the back burner again, and you wonder if you’re cut out for this homeschool mom gig. Those moments make you feel like you are a bad mother. I love the book Unglued. I mean LOVE it. In that book Lysa shares that Bad Moments do NOT make Bad Mamas. We all have moments where we just mess up. Those moments do not make us horrible mothers. They make us human. The key is to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, apologize for our behavior and move on. Each day is full of imperfect progress, and you know what? That’s okay!
Moms, let’s stop believing the lies that the world tells us, and start believing in ourselves. Let’s encourage each other, share our imperfections, and find joy in our journey as a mom.
What is the biggest lie you believe as a homeschool mom?
I think the same thing. If I don’t do it, it won’t get done!
Thankfully, I don’t think I’m guilty of any of these three, but I’m certainly guilty of others! Mostly that everything depends on me/if I don’t make things happen, they won’t.
You’re right. Comparison is such a terrible trap. And quite often we end up comparing our weaknesses with other people’s strengths… which is so unfair. Thanks for this great post!
I agree! I would love for you to share this over at my new link party Making Memories Mondays going on now!
“witnessing their successes”, that is a great way of putting it! Thanks for sharing 😉
I can relate to all these but that first one gets me. It’s hard not to see other moms who appear to have it all together when in reality, I’m just witness their successes. I bet other moms feel the same way about me when I certainly don’t have it all together…at all. 🙂
(visiting from the Fellowship Fridays link-up)
Thanks for shining the light of truth into this very important topic. I have believed many lies, and lived in bondage to them for a long time. But God is helping me to find freedom. He is so faithful!
I couldn’t find your post on the link up. And, I can’t click your name to be taken to your blog. Feel free to come back and leave it here 🙂
Thank you for stopping by! I agree whole heartedly. We need to be more honest with ourselves AND each other. Headed over to check out your post now 🙂
I LOVE this post – it’s so true! I am following you from the #ShineBlogHop and I talk about #3 (and #1) in one of my posts (How a Momentary Loss of Attention Almost Cost My Daughter Her Life) too. It’s when we share our stories with each other than we can all appreciate that we’re doing the best we can, and that none of us are perfect!! When we can have enough self-love to stop judging ourselves so harshly and appreciate all the amazing things we do as mothers instead, we can shift everything. Thanks for being so authentic and putting your truth out into the world as well :]
Well said. I am definitely guilty of believing these lies now and again. Lately I’ve been more intentional about focusing on God’s view of me and His truths. So grateful for this reminder
Yes, we are! I struggled with the home, and “perfectly” behaved kiddos. God has changed my heart so much through the years and I am glad I am realizing the “lies” of the world…. 😉
We’re so silly aren’t we? The hardest for me was thinking I needed the house perfect and to have the children all dressed nice all the time. Now, I’m happy with clean and respectful… and when I can’t keep things clean, I’m happy because we’re having fun and making memories.