Morning time is important for many homeschool families. Pam Barnhill is sharing how morning time brings her homeschool joy in this homeschool podcast episode.
Welcome to episode 35 of the Joyfully Homeschooling podcast. Can you believe we are facing holiday season? After today’s episode, we will be taking a short break for Thanksgiving and will be returning mid-November.
Before we get started with today’s episode I want to share with you another product from my friend Lara at Everyday Graces.
Mom’s are often left out of the beautiful Advent studies that flood the homeschool market every November, so in addition to A Gentle Advent volume II, Everyday Graces Homeschool has created A Homespun Hallelujah – an invitation to a hearth, heart, and hands-focused Advent just for moms.
I know I’m excited to dive into this study and I know you will enjoy it as well.
We also want to thank Beautiful Feet Books for sponsoring this season of the Joyfully Homeschooling Podcast.
Today I am chatting with Pam Barnhill from Pam Barnhill.com. Pam is an award-winning educator and homeschool mom of three (mostly) awesome kids. An English major and former journalist, she has a knack for breaking down big tasks into small, manageable steps and getting to the heart of the stories moms want to hear.
Pam and I chat homeschool struggles, joys, and more in this episode and I can’t wait to share it with you!
What is one struggle or fear you have had regarding homeschooling?
Pam shares how she is a HUGE introvert and NEEDS alone time. Her husband respects that and I love how they make each others needs a priority.
How have you overcome it? Or are you still working on it
Give each other time. Great advice here on strengthening a marriage! It is also so important to make time for ourselves and our needs as a homeschool mom.
What is ONE thing you have learned as a homeschool mom
I love that I get to learn and dig into things. Her kids don’t always appreciate it, but she sure does! Also, I love Pam’s take her on gaps in our homeschool. A great perspective for those that worry about this.
How do you find joy in your homeschool day?
Morning time is a huge part of Pam’s homeschool day and she shares how a homeschool morning basket brings her family so much joy.
My big take away
So, what did you think? I am still floored by Pam’s thoughts on her morning basket schedule and I have to say since I interviewed her I have been more diligent about our morning time. I got to thinking about it and wondered what kind of example I was portraying when we pushed morning and bible time aside on those rushed days. It honestly wasn’t a very good one….
I’m thankful for Pam and this episode and for getting our homeschool morning schedule into shape. I also hope it encouraged you too to head out there and have a more joyful homeschool.
If you liked this episode be sure to leave a rating or review. These serve as a notice to iTunes that I’m not speaking to myself. It will also give you a chance to have your review read online and win a gift from me 🙂
Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Podcast season sponsor Beautiful Feet Books
- Podcast episode sponsor A Homespun Hallelujah by Everyday Graces
- Better together book by Pam Barnhill
- Advent morning time plans from Pam Barnhill