If you are considering online classes for your homeschool, I’d like to introduce you to a few benefits I have come across through the years. Live online classes are particularly helpful for homeschooling high school.
When we first began homeschooling I made a blanket statement that we would NEVER be one of those families whose kids were always on the computer. You see, where we live, online public schools are VERY popular, and I did not want my kids on the computer all the time. I am a book kind of gal. And online learning seemed to be the opposite of what I believed in.
But then, my kids got older, we got busier, we added another child to the family, and slowly, I began to truly consider online learning as a feasible option for my family. Particularly as we began homeschooling high school. There are so many course options out there for high school, how could I possibly teach them all myself?
Isn’t it funny how sometimes we eat our words?
So, if you are considering taking the learning of your homeschool online, I’d like to introduce you to a few benefits I have come across through the years.
I was compensated for this review of Big River Academy. But, all thoughts and opinions are my own. I was seriously considering their live online classes BEFORE engaging in a partnership with them.
(Use code BLOG100 to receive 10% off entire purchase.)
Takes ME Out of the Equation
Let’s face it, homeschool moms are busy. We not only have the weight of our child’s education on our shoulders but also all of the day to day tasks of running a household. Many of us are also working moms, which means our time is even more limited.
Add to that those of us who are homeschooling little kids, or ones with special needs who require our attention and we oftentimes may wonder if our older kids are getting the short end of the stick. Online classes like those offered from Big River Academy take ME (and YOU) out of the equation yet still allows our children to have a high-quality education. Win-win right?
Introduces Topics That Our Family May Not Have Experience In
My oldest is feeling led into the mission field, and with that calling, she has a HUGE desire to learn Spanish. She will be taking a mission trip to Costa Rica next summer and her goal is to be fluent in Spanish before she goes.
Guess what I don’t speak? Spanish! I remember one phrase from my high school years,
Cuál es la temperatura
Do you know what that means? What is the temperature! I don’t think she will get far with that. We tried a few fun programs in the early years, and while they were a great introduction, it was not enough to help her become fluent.
Which is one reason why we began looking into live online classes through Big River Academy. Their teachers are highly trained in their field, and the Spanish teacher is actually a native speaker of the language. My daughter learned so much just from sitting in on a few classes.
As your child enters into the high school years, what are their passions? What do they want to learn more about? Are you familiar with the topics? If not, I highly recommend online classes. You can’t beat the variety of courses offered from online schools like Big River Academy. (Use code BLOG100 to receive 10% off entire purchase.)
Live Online Classes Teach Responsibility
I want my children to be fully prepared for college. I want them to know that there are many others out there that they will have to answer to academically. I want them to be used to having due dates, and assignments, and to face the consequences when NOT turning something in on time.
I want them to be responsible. BUT, I have had a hard time following through with this. I can assign a date for something to be due, but when the time rolls around, it is easy to extend the assignment. This will not be the case though when my children start college. So, high school is the perfect time to add some academic responsibility on the shoulders of my child.
With live online homeschool classes, they are responsible for attending class on time. They have assignments, they have homework, reports, tests, and THEY are responsible for keeping up with the dates and course load. This is a great way to prepare them for the rigorous work they will face in college.

Online Courses Provide Feedback
I don’t want the first time my child receives feedback on an assignment from someone other than me to be in college. Live online classes provide a gentle introduction to answering to someone else, but it also provides them with the ability to receive feedback on their course work from someone other than me. This is particularly true with a course like Spanish (or another foreign language) because I do not know the appropriate way to say the terms and would not be able to grade her work accurately.
These are just a few benefits I have found from live online classes like those offered through Big River Academy. There is a lot to think about when it comes to leaving the traditional textbook approach, however, I have found that since we made the switch over to fewer textbooks, and more online learning my kids have really fallen more in love with homeschooling. And, so have I!
Interested in learning more about the homeschooling high school curriculum, Big River Academy and all that they have to offer? Here is what they wanted me to share with my readers,
Big River Academy classes span grades 5 through 12, with more at upper grades than middle school. Courses are designed to supplement and support home education. When kids reach a point in their education when parents can’t or don’t want to teach certain subjects, we provide full-service instruction. Some families use us for the whole of their children’s education, and some just pick a class or two.
They are also giving away a one-semester homeschool online course, valued at $200. This value can also be applied to a full year class if the winner desires. And anyone anywhere can win since this is an online product! Enter below.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Ready to purchase now? Use code BLOG100 to receive 10% off entire purchase.
- How Big River Academy’s live online classes Works
- Big River Academy Course Catalog
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- Big River Academy on Instagram