Rea Berg and I chat about literature and how we can grow amazing kids through amazing books. It’s the perfect episode for any parent who wants to cultivate empathy in their children.
I recorded this episode with Rea Berg all the way back in May. It was originally supposed to air over the summer, but life got busy, I took some time off and then due to other contracts I wasn’t able to air it in the fall. So, we are going to get it out there now. Better late than never right?
Rea Berg loves organic gardening, farmer’s markets, rich espresso, yoga, Paris, and English literature. Rea has brought many classic children’s books back into print, such as the D’Aulaire biographies, the Journey books of Mitsumasa Anno, the Obadiah books, and many more. Through her company Beautiful Feet Books, she has crafted guides for teaching history and geography through literature. Rea has a graduate degree in children’s literature from Simmons College, Boston. Her favorite thing in the world is spending time with her children and grandchildren. Follow Rea on Instagram at reaberg, or email her at rea@bfbooks.com. Rea blogs on children’s literature at reaberg.com.
We have used a few of Beautiful Feet Books programs through the years and have been blown away by the high-quality literature included, and the ease of use for both parent and child. But, this episode is not just a plug for Beautiful Feet. I promise. Rea and I chat about literature and how we can grow amazing kids through amazing books. It’s the perfect episode for any parent who wants to cultivate empathy in their children.
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Not sure how to leave a review? Here are instructions for iTunes and Stitcher users. Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Podcast sponsor, Masterpiece Society
- Beautiful Feet Books
- How to Combine Beautiful Feet Books and Apologia Science
- Rea’s Blog
- Review on Early Elementary History
- Rea’s Instagram
- History of the Horse review
- Reading Fiction Makes you a Leader
- Reading Fiction Improves Empathy
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