In this episode, Natalie Mack and I chat about the sandwich generation and her families experience with family and homeschooling. Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, we will all face this season in our lives at some point. When it comes, we should be prepared.
As part of overcoming obstacles to homeschooling series, we will be discussing Sandwich Generation and Homeschooling. Today, I am chatting with Natalie Mack.
Natalie Mack is a mom of five, home educator since 2001, Navy Chaplain’s wife, field trip coordinator, soccer mom, Scouts BSA Merit Badge Coordinator, business owner, and newbie blogger. A graduate of George Washington University and Spelman College, she is an Independent Consultant with Paparazzi Accessories, selling gorgeous nickel and lead-free $5 jewelry. Her very new blog, Life in the Middle, is a forum for discussion about the Sandwich Generation as well as other topics.
In this episode, Natalie and I chat about the sandwich generation and her families experience with taking her mother in law into her home. We chat about how we can recognize the symptoms in our own parents, making a plan ahead of time for difficult decisions and homeschooling through the process.
Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, we will all face this season in our lives at some point. When it comes, we should be prepared.
Be sure to listen to the whole episode. This is just a small snippet of our conversation.
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Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Podcast sponsor, Teaching Textbooks
- Natalie’s website, Life in the Middle
- Natalie’s Paparazzi Store
- Natalie’s article mentioned in the episode from The Homeschool Magazine
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