Have you ever wondered what it is like to be a second-generation homeschooler? In this episode I am chatting with Amy Sloan about homeschooling, being homeschooled, changes her family have seen through the years in homeschooling (good and bad) and so much more!
Today, I am excited to share with you an episode with my friend Amy Sloan
Bio: Amy Sloan and her husband John are 2nd-generation homeschoolers to 5 children from 5 to 15 years old. The Sloan family adventures together in NC where they pursue a restfully-classical education by grace alone. If you hang out with Amy for any length of time you’ll quickly learn that she loves overflowing book stacks, giant mugs of coffee, beautiful memory work, and silly memes. At any moment she could break into song and dance from Hamilton, 90s country music, or Shakespeare. Amy writes at HumilityandDoxology.com and hosts the weekly “Homeschool Conversations” podcast.
Today’s episode is a Fess Up Friday episode and I want to share with you one big takeaway. Amy and I talk about second generation homeschooling and how much things have changed from when she was homeschooled to now. I can see this. And not all of the changes are for the positive. I am realizing after 2020 which I talked some about in my lessons learned episode that we need to go back to the basics a bit. Simpler times. It will make all of our homeschools a lot more joyful. Amy says, “My identity is in Christ not in my work as a homeschool mom” and I just wanted to yell YES. We put so much pressure on ourselves for perfection, but guys God did not call us to perfection. If He did, we wouldn’t need HIM. This episode is full of nuggets of wisdom, and I am sure will help you have a more joyful homeschool.
If you liked this episode be sure to leave a rating or review. These serve as a notice to iTunes that I’m not speaking to myself.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Podcast Sponsor Biglifejournal.com (use code JOYFUL15 for 15% off your order)
- Amy’s website Humility and Doxology
- Homeschool Conversations Podcast
- Year of Memory Work (52 weeks of free printable poetry/speeches/historic documents plus video recitations):
- Amy’s blog on Facebook
- Amy on Instagram
- Prior podcast episode with Kendra Fletcher
- Follow Misty on Instagram
- Follow Misty on Facebook
- Subscribe for weekly encouragement emails