I was tired, ragged, and ready to just cry. Yet, when she hugged my neck and whispered: “Are you okay?” I smiled and said, “Yes, I’m fine!” I didn’t let her in. I didn’t share my heart. I lied. And, it wasn’t the first time.
This is the one lie all moms tell, and we need to stop! Why? Because sometimes, we are not fine. Sometimes we’re broken, and torn, and worn down, and we need help. Yet, when those closest to us lean in and ask us if we are okay, we lie to them.
The lie needs to STOP.
By Lying We are Building up Walls
Lying to those who care enough to ask us if we are okay is the same as building up a wall. We are not letting others in. Brokenness, realness, and being truthful with those we love can tear down the barrier between moms. It lets another into our real, our lives, and yes it may be scary, but the other side? It’s beautiful!
We need to stop acting like we have it all together.
By sharing our struggles and being real with one another we are showing that we do not have it all together. By lying and saying we are okay when we are not, we are playing a role. A role that says “I have it all together” when in reality we don’t. No one does. Yet, we believe the lie that they do.
This is a lie that is damaging relationships. This is a lie that is building barriers in women. This is a lie that causes us to build up walls and never have true authenticity.
“Is any pleasure on earth as great as a circle of Christian friends by a good fire?” ~ C.S. Lewis
BUT Telling the TRUTH gives others the opportunity to say ME TOO!
If you are lying, don’t you think others are too? I do! By sharing our struggles, we are allowing others to say ME TOO! We are giving them permission, to be honest. To share their struggles and we are letting them know they are not alone.
Now, do we need to share our story with everyone? No. But, those closest to us. Those who love us enough to ask, those who are in our circle. Those people are safe, and sometimes we need to let them in.
We need to let them see our raw emotions. We need to be real. It’s hard. Very hard. And, you know what moms? That is okay! Sometimes we need to do the hard things. Sometimes the hard things lead to true beauty on the other side.
Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. ~Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
So, the next time you’re broken? The next time you are worn out from a bad day or have something that is just eating at your soul, share it. Don’t lie. A real friend, the ones who really know us and care enough to ask, they can handle our broken.
They can handle our real. And chances are by sharing instead of lying, you are going to tear down a wall and walk away with a close friend.
Wow. So convicting! I say “I’m fine” so often to my husband that he KNOWS I’m not fine when I say I’m fine. Pretty sad, huh?!? Thanks for writing this awesome post. Many women will be helped by your advice. <3