When I began homeschooling moms told me things I needed to know. However, there were other things that no one tells you about homeschooling that I wish they had told me.
When I first began homeschooling other moms were quick to fill me in on things I needed to know. Things like the fact I would have hard days, or how to choose a curriculum, they shared information about testing and other useful information.
However, there were other things no one told me. Things that I wish I would have known. These are things that no one tells you about homeschooling.
That it changes your marriage
This one was hard for me to swallow. Homeschooling is a lifestyle choice and one that will change every aspect of your life. This includes your marriage. For more on this check out this post!
That it will bring so much joy to your life
Homeschooling has allowed me to witness so many wonderful parts of my children’s lives that I would have otherwise missed. Things like seeing them read that first word, or finally grasping a concept. Being home with them has allowed us to experience life together, every day. This has been such a joy and time together that I couldn’t imagine NOT having.
That there will be ugly days
Despite the joyful days, there are still days that may make you want to bang your head against a wall. These are the ugly days of homeschooling. The ones that make you second guess your decision to homeschool. These days are the ones that people don’t tell you about because they don’t want to scare you. But, I think we need to talk about the failures because those failures lead us to the next step.
Homeschooling molds you!
Homeschooling has broken me. It has molded me. It has shaped me into a mom that I never thought I could be. Homeschooling brings up all of our faults and challenges us to deal with them. The unglued moments, the selfishness, the ugly parts of us that others don’t see. These come out in front of our children, forcing us to deal with them. Homeschooling has brought me to my knees so many times and has allowed God to mold me. I am so grateful for that!
Your family will be better off because of it
Our family is so much closer than it was before. We spend so much more time together and homeschooling has become a family affair. We aren’t used to spending time apart. My kids all have the same friends. They attend classes, and sporting events, and field trips together. They know no different and that has, in turn, made them more than just siblings. It has made them friends.
Your friendships will change
When I first began homeschooling I never thought about the impact that it would have on my friendships with other moms. A lot of my friends chose public school for their kids and our friendships changed. I realized I needed homeschool mom friends as well as the other friendships I had. Over time, some relationships have become stronger and some have fizzled. For more about homeschooling and friendship check out this series.
Your family may NEVER approve
I shared before about how my family disapproved of our homeschooling. Over time, my mom came around. But, what I have not shared is that over time my father…. Hasn’t. Our choice of education for our children along with other choices we have made for our family has in turn forever changed the relationship myself and my kids have with my father. This is a hard topic to discuss but one that I think we need to be aware of. Many will tell you that in time EVERYONE will approve of your decision to homeschool. The fact is that is NOT always true. Homeschooling is becoming more mainstream, but it is also considered a radical choice too many. Had I known that homeschooling would never be an “approved” choice by my family I still would have chosen this path. Because GOD led me down it, and we feel that it is what HE wants us to do for OUR family. However, I would have maybe liked to have a little warning that some may NEVER approve of our choice. I talked more about this in a podcast episode as well.
Our educational choices matter. Yes, they are OUR choices to make, but they will have an impact on our family, our friendships, and our future. It is important to be educated on all aspects of homeschooling. Talk to other moms; ask them what they wish they knew before they started. Be prepared. Be educated. And be ready for a joy-filled and surprising ride 🙂
What did you wish you knew before you started homeschooling?