Some kids NEED someone to show them HOW to obtain good study habits. One way we are doing that in our homeschool schedule is by implementing homeschool study time. Our children need to learn this valuable lesson and they need to do it BEFORE they are in high school.
As my oldest enters middle school I am realizing the importance of teaching her good study habits. I think too often times we assume kids KNOW how to study. I mean, I always assumed it was common sense just like my parents and high school teachers thought. And for some it is. But others NEED someone to show them HOW to obtain good study habits. One way we are doing that in our homeschool schedule is by implementing homeschool study time.
What is Homeschool Study Time?
Homeschool study time is time set aside in our homeschool schedule to study. Think of this as homework for homeschoolers. This time can count in the number of homeschool hours you need per day. For us this time is used to study things like multiplication facts, spelling words, catch up on reading assignments, study for a history test, read over science notes, or another activity that may need practice.
Why Have Homeschool Study Time?
Studying should be part of your student’s daily homeschool routine. Think about it, in high school did you study for tests? What about college? Were you able to just attend class, go home, and pass your classes each semester? No! Having a designated homeschool study time gets your child in the habit of studying on a regular basis.
How Can I Implement Homeschool Study Time?
The best way to implement homeschool study time is to just DO it. Start setting aside time each day for studying. It may be helpful to have a study time planned for the whole family. This gets younger children in the habit of studying now, and allows the older children time to study in a quiet environment. For us, we have made this time a part of our evening routine each night from 5:00-5:30. They study while I start dinner. Even the boy spends time quietly working on a puzzle, or other educational activity.
As a homeschool parent, the person responsible for teaching your child good study habits is you. Our children need to learn this valuable lesson and they need to do it BEFORE they are in high school. One way we have begun teaching our children good study habits is by having homeschool study time.